Tag Archives: your partner

Seeking Out Acupuncture for Fertility

9 Mar

acupuncture fertility

When one is going to be embarking on the journey of conceiving a child, they must keep in mind the potential difficulties of doing so. While it is easy for some to get pregnant, it can be very difficult for others, and when one begins to try, they must not expect anything to happen immediately. If after a few months, you and your partner notice you are having difficulty conceiving, you ought to seek out the input of a physician, one who can evaluate the fertility of you and your partner both. Once those results are in, a physician will be able to explain whether or not you should begin to seek out some methods of helping one’s odds for a successful conception. At such a point, one may want to consider acupuncture for fertility.

Now, acupuncture for fertility might not sound like the most familiar option on the market, but rest assured that it is growing in popularity and for good reason.

In recent studies, women trying to conceive who received acupuncture for fertility were more likely to have a successful conception than woman trying without the aid of acupuncture.

Additionally, the difference in cost between acupuncture and medical treatments is astounding.

A dozen treatments of acupuncture might break a thousand dollars, but a single set of fertility drugs can run a person upwards of ten thousand dollars, and neither have guaranteed results by any measure.

thousand dollars

Many will concede to the idea of using a change in diet, and while that may be helpful, one should not be reliant on this kind of change up. After all, when was the last time any one ever stuck to a diet for an extended period of time? The body has very common impulses to get after what it has not had in some time, and so if you are thinking about a diet change, at least consider coupling your efforts with another kind of alternative.

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Sex Addiction Recovery: Dealing With Your Emotionally Triggered Wife

19 Feb

pain until

Early recovery from sex addiction is a tumultuous time, your recovery foothold is shaky at best. So how do you maintain that precarious foothold when your partner is on the emotional rollercoaster? You know the rollercoaster I’m talking about; the one where she is angry, sad, fearful, or an ever shifting mix of all; the one that seems to come out of the blue to you; the one where her facts and logic just doesn’t make sense to you; the one you don’t really understand but have learned to fear.

How do you survive her rollercoaster &, more importantly, how do you help her through it so the seeds for a tiny bit of trust are planted? If the Serenity Prayer seems like your only lifeline for getting through the rollercoaster, let me teach a new strategy for helping to calm the emotional storm and begin to repair your relationship.

First of all, accept that you won’t understand, so don’t make the mistake of saying you do just to appease her. Let me tell you a secret about your wife; she already knows you can’t understand. She may not like that fact, but when she’s not on the rollercoaster she does get that. She also knows you can’t fix her or stop her pain. What she needs from you is not to make the rollercoaster go away, but for you to get on the rollercoaster with her and help her deal with the pain until it eases. Remember when you were a kid and banged up your arm? You probably gently cradled it with your other arm. You held it until the pain subsided. When you can tolerate hearing your partner‘s pain it is like you are cradling her heart and helping to hold her pain until it recedes.

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Sex After 55: The New Swinging Singles

3 Jun

mature adults

For many people, reaching the age of 55 marks the pivotal turning point in one’s lifetime. Retirement (with its inherent lifestyle changes) looms, and people turn inward, examining their innermost thoughts, desires and sensations. Living life to the fullest becomes the goal. Adult communities, which once offered few amenities, now embellish common areas with lavish community fitness centers and well designed sporting arenas for tennis, golfing or swimming enthusiasts. Social interaction with one’s neighbors becomes the norm. Appreciation of the opposite sex is alluring, and with advances in modern medicine, erectile dysfunction is becoming a thing of the past.

Sexual intimacy at this stage can take different forms. For many newly “singled” mature adults, it can mark a return to sexual freedom not seen since their youth. But such freedom does not come without responsibility. Many older adults believe that, since the fear of an unwanted pregnancy is no longer an issue, the use of a condom is obsolete. But they are so wrong!

Recent studies have shown that sexually active mature adults, especially people with multiple sexual partners, are at high risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that, between 2005 and 2009 there has been a 43% increase in the reported cases of Syphilis and Chlamydia in people 55 years of age or older. And, according to a recent article in the Sun Sentinel, a South Florida newspaper… “a study conducted by sex researchers at Indiana University found that, in the United States, condom use was lowest among men over 50 years of age.”

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Premature Ejaculation – Successful Approaches to stop This Problem

7 Mar

Premature Ejaculation - Successful Approaches to stop This Problem

Have you lost all your confidence due to your inability to last long while having sex? Do you have a problem keeping your partners because you can not satisfy them sexually? You might be not alone in suffering from premature ejaculation due to the fact practically each man has experienced this difficulty occasionally. This is an concern with young men who have not yet perfected the approach of pleasing a partner sexually. A lot of experienced men can ejaculate prematurely if they are aroused an excessive amount of or if it has been a quite lengthy time since they last had sex.

This only becomes a huge difficulty for you in the event you ejaculate too soon each and every time you have sex. Even the most loving and understanding partner will lose patience with you, and this can cause you to suffer from performance anxiety and then depression. You can find methods of controlling when you ejaculate and you should surely learn how you can use them just before your sexual difficulty creates problems for you.

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