Tag Archives: with your

Pilates Exercise – The Hundred

11 Nov

your abdominal

The first exercises you would do in a pilates workout is The Hundred. It strengthens your abs and increases your circulation and prepares you for the other mat exercises. It is an excellent exercise for reducing that belly. Done correctly, you should feel the strain in your abdominal muscles, not your back. If your back hurts, then you’re not doing it right.

Lie on your back, straighten your arms and bend your knees at right angles with your calves parallel to the floor and your arms by your sides.

Straighten your legs and point the ceiling with your feet. Your heels should be together while your toes stay apart so that your feet form a v-shape

Lift your head off the ground.

Lift and lower your arms in a pumping motion, 5 times while you inhale, 5 times while you exhale for one set.

Do ten sets continuously, so you will pump your arms a total of 100 times, hence the name The Hundred

A few points to take note of.

times while

Pull in your stomach throughout the exercise. Imagine your are pulling your navel to your spine.

When you exhale, try to squeeze out all the air from your lungs

Relax your neck and throat when you do this exercise.

The first time you try this exercise, if your abdominal muscles aren’t strong enough, you might not be able to do the classic way. To make it easier, you can rest your feet against the wall until you get the hang of it.

your back

Several Ways You Can Cope With Depression and Anxiety

29 Aug

with your

The health concerns linked with depression, anxiety and stress must not be ignored because fatality rates from some of these conditions suggest you need to take action to confront any issues you may have. It is not only your health that is a concern here, since it can also have an effect your relationships and your overall quality of life. Intensified anxiety and worsening health can be the warning signs that this is a problem, since you may have been suffering for some time without even knowing this. There are strategies to prevent depression symptoms from destroying your life and we will now take a look at some of the steps you can take.

The basic step you should take is to realize this is a problem you must address and to understand why this is happening to you. It might be you are concerned about debt, your family or with your job. When you understand what may be causing this, you can begin to look into some solutions which can include obtaining expert help. To illustrate, cash problems are often hard to admit to but may only be solved with outside help and you will often be pleasantly amazed by the sympathetic reaction you can receive. It might also be that pressure from your supervisor is making you wary of going to work every day and if that is the case you may need to look for a way out.

There are ways you can help yourself when you are under extreme stress and anxiety. This can help to alleviate the symptoms of depression until you solve the primary cause. Turning to drink or an unhealthy diet is usually viewed as a quick fix when we are going through a very stressful time. In reality you must consider eating healthily as a way to help your recovery as doing otherwise can simply lead to more distress.

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How to Choose Specific Degree Programs and Courses

16 Sep

technical degree

The best way to determine if a technical degree program is right for you is to consider what you want as far as careers go. If you want to be an electrician or a physical therapist then a technical degree program may be the best option for you. There are a lot of different points to consider when you are considering a technical degree program or technician courses so just make sure you think everything through before you taking a decision.

education in india

Do you want to learn other things or just your one specific trade? Although I am very interested in acting, writing and directing in film/theatre I do want to learn other things within the English, History, Psychology, Science, Language, Art categories. This is why I chose to attend a liberal arts college rather than a conservatory for film/theatre acting. It made more sense to me. Also because I wanted to be able to hold a degree in something else as well as Drama that way I would for sure have a way to earn an income. If you want to learn about more things than just your trade then you shouldn’t attend a technical degree program. Remember, sometimes four year colleges and selective liberal arts colleges are just as much as state schools so don’t cross any college off of your list until you’ve applied and gotten your application decision back with your financial aid decision. Always keep your options open.

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