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5 Things to Say to a Woman that will Make Her Quiver

1 Dec

more than

Women claim that their husbands simply aren’t affectionate [enough], this according to author Deirdre Bair in her book, Calling It Quits: Late-Life Divorce and Starting Over “for one woman it happened when she asked her husband to help in the kitchen and he shouted angrily for her to keep her voice down so he could hear the television.” Romance isn’t assumption, and if you care, remind her. Women may be great at multitasking, but they suck at mind-reading.

1. You look beautiful.

Genuine compliments cost nothing and when the recipient is deserving of one, she ought to be told. Women put effort into how they look, and if they’re going out, they’re doing it to feel beautiful, and for you to notice. Bitesizedonut, a reader on GirlsAskGuys.com, tells us, “It is acknowledging the fact that, while we may be beautiful, we can still be MORE beautiful.” Get this, according to the sage advice of Rodney Battles, a columnist for AskMen.com, if a women responds “with more than five words” specifically, ‘Thank you, it is kind of you to notice,’ she might be interested in a little more than just the compliment you’ve given her!” What do you think?

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