Tag Archives: Revenue Service

5 Reasons to Love the IRS

16 Nov

Internal Revenue

It’s tax time. The filing deadline is this week for those who don’t opt for an extension. How many people have you heard cursing the IRS in the past month? I’ve lost count.

So here for your contemplative pleasure are five reasons to love the IRS.


The IRS is an organization like any other. If you work in a corporate setting, you work in a place similar to the Internal Revenue Service. The people who work for Internal Revenue are just like you and me. This is their tough time of the year. They merit our blessings.

Life Review

This may not be a reality for everyone, but when I do my taxes, I look at it as a yearly review. Seeing where and how I spend my financial resources is an opportunity to calculate the value I received or gave. Itemizing your taxes means you look at everything you did in the past year on a fiscal level, and thereby on a life review level. Enjoy it!

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