Tag Archives: Pilates have

Pilates Exercise Ball – Fun and Effective Workouts

21 Nov

Pilates ball

A fun piece of Pilates equipment is the Pilates exercise ball. Pilates have been a popular way to increase fitness for million of people. Pilates was created to strengthen tone and balance the body with out a lot of bulk. Pilates combines breathing techniques and strength training movements to target deep muscles in your core. With many different routines to choose from, Pilates have many wellness benefits.

Many Pilates videos can show you how to use the exercise balls properly. There is a variety of exercises that can be done with the Pilates ball. Balancing and strengthening exercise are a focal point when using the Pilates ball.

The exercise ball should be firm but soft enough to have a little give to it. The ball size should be proportionate to your height. Your legs should be able to rest at a 90-degree angle. A good way to start using your Pilates ball is to get a good stretch. Lie over the ball and stay in that position while you focus on breathing and balance.

Pilates ball

Another basic Pilates exercise are knee folds. To perform the knee folds, sit up straight with your shoulders and hips aligned. Keep your legs and feet parallel to each, opening them as wide as your hips. Your abs should be engaged or contracted and your spine perpendicular to the floor. Relax and roll your shoulder blades. Stretch out your arms straight out from your shoulders. Slowly lift one foot off the floor, with the rest of your body balanced and still. Switch legs, using controlled movements. Repeat this exercise five times each side.

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