Tag Archives: Pilates equipment

Pilates Exercise Equipment – What Do You Need?

27 Feb

Pilates exercise equipment

Pilates workouts are generally among the more highly effective exercise routine workouts you could do nowadays. It is a good program for individuals that need to build health and wellness in addition to body improvement. With the skilled Pilates practitioner, the workout plans can come quick and simple, but for a large number of first-timers all the way through to intermediates this type of exercises is often intense.

There are certainly pieces of Pilates exercise equipment that could help to make work out programs simple and workable, in addition they could very well be suitable for the experienced exerciser’s as well. There are plenty of other forms of Pilates equipment to elevate your exercise routine, however the subsequent equipment and accessories are able to sufficiently satisfy the requirements in an excellent individual work out.

Get Hold of a Pilates Fitness DVD

A good Pilates Fitness DVD can serve as a reliable replacement for a trainer. Only a few are able to afford the assistance of a private fitness instructor and so a DVD can show you the visuals of a program which you could follow. Whenever a Pilates exercise routine DVD illustrates on-screen other individuals executing a work out routine, it is able to provide the exerciser with a remarkable inspiration.

Get the Invaluable Pilates Fitness Ball

A new Pilates ball is considered the most best and favored Pilates equipment due to its basic safety and simplicity. It can certainly let you gain a lot just by balancing on this sizable bouncy ball without the need for pushing you to fatigue and also risking injuries.

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Pilates Equipment: The Basics

30 Jan

reformers spring

Pilates, is nothing without its equipment, from the simple mat to the complicated trapeze, Pilates Equipment is very integral to the program itself. Pilate equipment is what produces the resistance that your muscles overcome, and these resistances are what make your core strong. Here is an overview of the basic Pilates Equipment


The reformer is probably the most popular Pilates Equipment; it is used by a lot of Pilates practitioners, and can be seen on almost every Pilates Studio in the world. It is basically a sliding carriage that has foot bars, jump boards, leg and arm pulleys. These features allow the exerciser to work on different parts of the body with the same machine.

There are two types of reformers, spring reformers and gravity reformers. A spring Pilates equipment reformer, makes use of springs for resistance, it is usually used while lying on the back and pulling with your arms or pushing with your legs. The Gravity reformer has the same concept of push and pull, but instead of springs, it makes use of the person’s own weight. The person is diagonal in position in order for the gravity to pull down on him/her, creating the resistance needed for the exercise.


The second type of Pilates equipment is the Cadillac or the trapeze table. This Pilates equipment looks like a cage, without the bars though, just the frames, and attached along the bars are springs, straps, and extra bars that are used for several types of exercises. For example, for the legs, you can lie down facing the opposite direction of the strap that you are going to use, and then putting the strap around your leg, you pull it down, and the resistance goes through your thighs and calves. Another way to use a Cadillac is to sit down, this time facing the strap that you are to use, and then holding the strap in your hands pull on it while simultaneously lying down, then sit back up again, this works on your abdomen.

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Pilates Equipment For Today’s Health Conscious

21 Oct

Pilates Magic

Pilates is one of today’s most popular workout routines. Be it at home, studio, or in fitness gyms-this workout rocks! The reason behind is the fact that Pilates is simple yet it still manages to give a lot of rewards in the end. It is a kind of exercise that works both the mind and the body particularly with the help of Pilates equipment.

Truly, the equipment used in Pilates can make or break the whole routine. Proper selection of Pilates equipment is necessary indeed. Yes, you can still do Pilates on the carpet without using any tool but of course, you should also know that gearing yourself with the necessary equipment will boost the impact of each movement to your body and also helps prevent injuries. To help you find the right tool for your needs, here is a list of Pilates equipment you need to consider.

Pilates Mat – A Pilates mat is actually the most basic equipment you need. Hence, this should be the first one on your shopping list. When buying, remember that this mat is available in two types, which are the fold-up and roll-up mat. Choose whichever it is that offers convenience.

Pilates Reformer – The next must-have in Pilates workout equipment is a Pilates reformer. This equipment is a must if you want to bring up your workout into the next level for this help boost resistance to help strengthen the core. There are a few at home reformers to choose from that are less expensive and fold up.

Pilates Magic Circle – If you want to work on toning your entire body, then a Pilates Magic Circle or the so called exercise ring needs to be included in your list of equipment. Grabbing this equipment will help you gain more resistance which is essential for your everyday workout.

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Pilates Equipment Basics

9 Oct

from certified

So you want to get started on a Pilates program but don’t know what Pilates equipment you will need to get started. That’s great news and a decision you will not regret!

Pilates is growing in popularity because it produces results and has been doing so for decades. Now you can even set up a home workout studio that uses Pilates equipment similar to the original Joseph Pilates designed models. And we know what kind of results he described!

Joseph and his classic Pilates Method have such a legion of followers and part of that reason is because his Pilates equipment produced results. The good news is that the huge variety in sizes of Pilates equipment has made that equipment more affordable and more size appropriate to fit into our homes instead of just a gym somewhere.

Think back about when Joseph Pilates got started with his Pilates method. During World War I, Joseph was at an English internment camp and started to test his exercises on injured soldiers. Pilates started with those patients who were immobilized and bed-bound. To get them exercising, Joseph rigged up their hospital beds with springs, creating resistance to help them regain their strength. Brilliant! It was from this experience and experiment that Joseph went on to develop the Pilates Reformer.

Fascinated with spring-based pieces of equipment, Joseph headed to New York in the 1920s. He’d spent additional time creating more spring-based pieces of equipment as well as pieces that had lots of movable bars and adjustable straps.

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