Tag Archives: migraine headaches

Natural Treatment For Migraine Headaches

6 Nov

body energy

Migraine Headaches are more an energetic issue than a strictly physical one and undoing energetic blockages and balancing the body’s energy system through the use of EFT is the number one natural treatment for migraine headaches.

EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques (also known as meridian tapping) is a simple modality for balancing the body’s energy system and releasing blocked energy dissolving negative emotions, memories and past traumas or future worries and fears.

Meridian Tapping is practised by using the fingers to tap on the various acupressure points on the body, while at the same time focusing on a phrase that describes the issue and also putting attention on the issue.

Miraculous recoveries can be achieved when the reason behind the headache has been discovered and it is different for everyone because it is often a disempowering belief, a traumatic memory, or even some sort of fear of worry, which cause the energetic imbalance. So it is always important to tune into the root cause rather than just the presenting symptoms.

Another effective natural treatment for Migraine headaches can be found with the diet. Many foods and drinks that we consume cause inflammation, and inflammation of the tissues and sinuses can cause headaches. Certain foods are also mucus forming and when our sinuses are full of mucus and inflamed at the same time, this is a sure recipe for a migraine headache.

A predominantly raw plant based diet also known as a Raw Vegan Diet is the number one anti-inflammatory and anti-mucus diet that one can eat. I have never met anyone who’s migraine headaches persisted that ate a 100% raw vegan diet.

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