Tag Archives: massage therapy

Massage Therapy Can Reduce Stress And Improve Performance

14 Aug

muscles tissues

Massage therapy offers one of the most effective and natural ways to treat the body and the mind. By working with the body’s soft tissue, a massage therapist helps people maintain, augment, rehabilitate and develop physical function. The therapeutic effects of massage therapy and its importance in improving health are well known. As it acts directly on the nervous, muscular, circulatory, and immune (lymphatic) systems, several health problems can be addressed and treated with this form of therapy.

Today, massage has become a part of the training regime for most professional athletes. It helps them improve their performance and also helps them cope with stress and pressure. In fact, even working professionals who have a hectic lifestyle with a number of physically and mentally taxing tasks on their agenda along with long hours at work will benefit immensely from massage therapy. Stress also increases the risk of heart disease and massage therapy is one of the most effective as well as enjoyable ways to combat and reduce stress.

Sometimes, even an injury that may seem minor may affect a person’s ability to remain independent and physically active. One of the best ways to ensure that the condition does not become chronic is through massage, which prevents a disastrous outcome. It also promotes an overall sense of well being by relaxing the body and helps in pain management and control.

most effective

Massage therapy alleviates or prevents pain and there are different massage therapy techniques that are recommended specifically for tight and tense or sore muscles and tissues. Experienced and qualified massage therapists are adept at finding tense spots and they help restore the body’s balance. The movements used in this therapy reduce the recovery time from an injury, boost the functions of the immune system, and improve circulation. This improves the flow of blood to and from the joints and muscles, which enhances circulation.

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Seek Relief in Massage Therapy

29 Jul

alternative medicine

Scientific research is still ongoing to find out the solid proof to back up the benefits of massage therapy. While there are numerous claims of its benefits, the scientific and methodical support like its effects and improvement on one’s health need specific answers. But this setback can not hinder the curiosity of many individuals to seek the remedies offered by massage therapy. Its popular soothing effect has brought massage therapy at its all time popularity around the world among many people. Its acceptance is not only based on being known as an alternative medicine but likewise a relaxing and relieving experience that one derive after every session.

Presently, massage therapy has more than eight types as practice around the world. This popular alternative medicine and great body stress reliever is traced to have originated in some Arabian nations, Japan, Greece, and China a thousand years back. This practice was later adopted all over the world until this time and is now enjoyed and many have benefited from it.

As previously stated herein, while scientists continue to look for evidences regarding its health benefits, parallel researchers have discovered that massage therapy at some stages have proven to be an effective alternative medicine. There are instances that it complements traditional medical approaches. It is effective in reducing and maintaining blood pressure and heart beat rate. It relieves pain, mental depressions and treats anxiety.

around world

Numerous patients who are regular massage therapy session attendees have consistently informed researchers that after each session, they felt relieved of their body pain that was either reduced or vanished. There are likewise unconfirmed reports that some studies are claiming that some cancer patients who have undergone massage therapy sessions have felt a great relief from pain after their session with their massage therapist.

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Massage Therapy Basics

25 Jun

Deep Tissue Massage

What is massage therapy?

Massage therapy is a manipulation of muscles, ligaments, tendons, skin, fascia, and joints in the body. It is a practice that has been around since the beginning of peopledom. In fact, ancient techniques are still employed in today’s modern world.

The benefits of massage are extensive. Not only can it help alleviate pain and aid in physical maladies and day-to-day functioning, but it impacts mental and emotional wellbeing. Relaxation, awareness, anxiety, and depression can all be aided and eased with massage therapy.

Massage boosts the immune system, relaxes and reduces anxiety, alleviates pain, reduces blood pressure and heart rate, stimulates lesser used muscles, increases endorphins, aids physical rehabilitation, and improves circulation (blood and lymph).

There are many different techniques and therapies in the field of massage. Some of these may be familiar to you already, even if you do not know specifically what they entail.

Swedish: Probably the most well known technique, and for good reason; it’s quite popular.

Acupressure is like acupuncture without the needles. Specific points are targeted and pressure applied to create a therapeutic effect.

Aroma Therapy is often used in tandem with other techniques. It consists of using fragrant oils for healing benefits. These oils can be applied to the skin or simply allowed to perfume the air thus allowing those nearby to receive benefits nasally.

Canadian Deep Tissue Massage: A technique that focuses on a muscle group working with the fibers of the muscle tissue to rejuvenate each level of muscle including deep tissue.

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Massage Therapy And How It Can Benefit You

11 Jun

massage customer

Whether to relieve the stress of the work day, to unbind tired and sore muscles, or just to treat oneself to a relaxing afternoon, more and more people are looking towards massage therapy. Once considered a luxury, the health benefits of massage are becoming well known and the expanding field has reduced costs so that virtually anyone can afford it. Businessmen, at-home mothers, athletes, people who do heavy physical labor or have emotionally stressful jobs, and people with recurring problems all look to massage therapy for relief.

The benefits of massage therapy are many and varied. Pain relief is one of the most common reasons people get massage, particularly for back and neck pain. Athletes can use massage to promote quicker muscle growth or to repair damage from over-strenuous workouts. Expecting mothers can use massage to help with the discomforts of pregnancy as well as to strengthen and relax muscles for the birth process. Regular treatments can help with stress relief and promote better sleep, improved concentration, reduce fatigue and increase energy levels. Increased flexibility, a stronger immune system, improved circulation, and lower blood pressure are some more benefits.

At-home massage is popular these days, especially for people who enjoy the comfort of their own home as opposed to visiting a spa. It is convenient, as the therapist comes to the client and if after a massage the customer feels like taking a shower or a nap, they are free to do so without enduring the drive home. This can be a better option for those who are unable to get to a spa due to illness or transportation problems. Making an appointment for home is usually easier to fit into a schedule as well. You can find massage therapists via the internet. However, sometimes people do not feel comfortable with having someone in their home that they barely know and may opt for a spa over home therapy. A massage at home may be more expensive, but you’re paying for the quality of the professional and the extra load of them carrying their table over a hit or miss therapist at a spa.

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Massage Therapy and Repetitive Strain Injuries

3 Jun

Repetitive Strain

There is no question that conservative therapy is the best option for those suffering with a Repetitive Strain Injury. From Trigger Finger to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, conservative therapy produces the best results, limited side effects (if any), quicker results and long-lasting relief.

There are many types of conservative treatments that provide a variety of positive benefits to the user. Massage Therapy is a terrific conservative treatment that provides good results by itself, and even greater results when combined with a stretch and exercise routine.

Massage is used to help relax and lengthen tight, restrictive muscles, break down scar tissue in injured muscles, reduce adhesions on affected tendons at their point of attachment to the muscle or to the bone, remove toxins from muscles and increase overall circulation and nutrient delivery to the associated tissues. All of these wonderful benefits help overworked muscles to relax and injured muscles to recover. The problem is this. Massage Therapy does not correct the muscle imbalances causing the Repetitive Strain Injury. Massage Therapy can greatly assist the rehabilitation / treatment process, but once a muscle has been injured and has atrophied to any significant degree, or a muscle has gone into a state of chronic hypertonicity, other therapeutic elements must be added to the treatment regimen in order to completely eliminate the Repetitive Strain Injury.

An integral part of treating Repetitive Strain Injuries is the implementation of a stretch and exercise routine specifically designed to create structural integrity and muscle balance where the injury exists. If the injury is Tennis Elbow, there must be an equality of strength between the wrist and elbow flexors, wrist and elbow extensors, and wrist and forearm pronators and supinators. By creating strong flexible muscles surrounding the specific joint, that joint will no longer be highly susceptible to Repetitive Strain Injuries.

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Massage Therapy Certification Survival Guide

23 May

study guide

Every graduating massage therapy student when coming out of massage therapy school, still has to take their national certification exam in order to get their massage therapy license. This may sound like an easy thing, but you would not believe how many students simply don’t pass their exam. Not passing their exam the first time, causes needless unnecessary expense, needless frustration and anxiety, and needless prolonging putting off getting your massage license and practicing massage therapy. Speaking from experience, and seeing so many others struggling with this ordeal, I want to give some easy, common sense advice that will hopefully help those needing to take either their MBLEx, NCETM, or NCETMB certification test.

First of all, don’t think you can just waltz into the testing center without any preparation and think you will pass. Chances are you won’t and the odds of that happening are very much against you. Secondly, always prepare before taking any exam, especially your certification exams. Always refresh your memory, go back and review what you learned in massage therapy school. If by some chance you don’t do well preparing that way, get a tutor, a friend, someone or something that will help you prepare. Also, many students have been out of school for a while and this is where most graduates make the mistake. They wait to late to take the test while the information is fresh in their brains and then thing they can pass the exam after being out of school for 6 months or longer. That simply won’t happen, I guarantee it. You must prepare to pass the exam.

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Massage Therapy and Stress Relief

16 May

massage therapy

While the practice of therapeutic massage has been used for centuries in the east, it is a relatively recent phenomenon here in the west. While the wonders of modern medicine have left many awestruck, more and more people are looking towards complimentary therapies and non-invasive treatments for their ailments. Massage therapy has never been as popular as it is today in America.

A number of studies have shown that massage therapy is a highly effective stress reduction technique. An earlier study, conducted by the University of Miami Medical School and published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, suggested that children receiving 30 minutes of therapeutic massage daily were less depressed and anxious than they were at the time of their admittance.

This particular study also observed marked differences in the health and behavior of the children in the test group, over the children in the control group. The nurses taking part in the study also noted that the children were more cooperative, and were able to achieve a higher level of sleep quality. On the biological level, the children in the control group exhibited lower levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) in their saliva and in their urine. It quickly became evident to researchers that massage can play a significant role in stress reduction.

massage therapy

It is highly encouraging that both the medical establishment and the general public are starting to realize the impact that stress can have on an individual’s health and well being. Some physicians and researchers have suggested that stress is responsible for over 75% of all disease in the western world, including skin disorders, high blood pressure, headaches, digestive ailments, muscle pain, and depression. By employing the age-old techniques of massage therapy, there exists the distinct possibility of overcoming these terrible afflictions.

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Massage Therapy and Stages of Traumatic Injury

7 May

this stage

Massage Therapy is the hands on manipulation of muscles, skin, tendons, ligaments and membranes of the body to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical functions, relieve pain or prevent physical dysfunction. (College of Massage Therapists of Ontario)

Massage therapy has many benefits and can help a wide range of the population. Massage can be particularly beneficial after a trauma such as whiplash type injury, which can occur from a motor vehicle accident, fall or other mechanism of injury.

Typically Massage therapy can benefit in all stages of healing after such trauma, whether acute, sub acute or chronic.

In the very early, or acute stages of an injury, the main goal is to manage inflammation and reduce pain. Lymphatic drainage type massage, as well as ice massage or other cold hydrotherapy can help to accomplish this. Other techniques such as Cranial Sacral therapy can be helpful to rebalance the nervous system, allowing the body greater innate healing abilities. Massage during this stage will also help to speed up recovery time and may prevent stagnation of waste products in the affected tissues and build up of fibrotic materials. (If you have had an accident you may need medical attention before seeing your massage therapist. It is recommended to see your medical doctor and have appropriate diagnosis of your injury before commencing treatment)

In a sub acute stage, massage treatments may involve some joint mobilization and range of motion techniques within patient’s tolerance to improve joint lubrication and motion. Beginning the retraining and reeducation process the sensory apparatus within the soft tissue is important at this stage. Some more specific techniques may start being used at this stage to help align any fibrotic tissues into the correct patterns, which may minimize the loss of ranges of motion in a joint.

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Massage the art of Body healing with no huge cost and no side effects

18 Aug

massage therapy

The Massage is the art of healing as well as the science of body cycle. The main process includes the balancing of the two requires of a unique individual. Now days the massage therapy is the fastest growing segment of the natural health care, it is largely to the growth in public demand for alternative approaches to health.

Massage Therapists aims at the people relax and release stress. They use non technical and manual therapeutic techniques to massage soft tissues such as your muscles that have been affected by over stress, injuries and illness. The for most goal of massage therapy training is to loosen up you and make you feel relaxed and make your muscles calm and their surrounding connective tissue coverings, and relieved the painful muscle tension that.

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