Tag Archives: massage therapist

Seek Relief in Massage Therapy

29 Jul

alternative medicine

Scientific research is still ongoing to find out the solid proof to back up the benefits of massage therapy. While there are numerous claims of its benefits, the scientific and methodical support like its effects and improvement on one’s health need specific answers. But this setback can not hinder the curiosity of many individuals to seek the remedies offered by massage therapy. Its popular soothing effect has brought massage therapy at its all time popularity around the world among many people. Its acceptance is not only based on being known as an alternative medicine but likewise a relaxing and relieving experience that one derive after every session.

Presently, massage therapy has more than eight types as practice around the world. This popular alternative medicine and great body stress reliever is traced to have originated in some Arabian nations, Japan, Greece, and China a thousand years back. This practice was later adopted all over the world until this time and is now enjoyed and many have benefited from it.

As previously stated herein, while scientists continue to look for evidences regarding its health benefits, parallel researchers have discovered that massage therapy at some stages have proven to be an effective alternative medicine. There are instances that it complements traditional medical approaches. It is effective in reducing and maintaining blood pressure and heart beat rate. It relieves pain, mental depressions and treats anxiety.

around world

Numerous patients who are regular massage therapy session attendees have consistently informed researchers that after each session, they felt relieved of their body pain that was either reduced or vanished. There are likewise unconfirmed reports that some studies are claiming that some cancer patients who have undergone massage therapy sessions have felt a great relief from pain after their session with their massage therapist.

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Massage Therapy and the Entrepreneur

15 Jul

Many massage

Some people enter massage school to help others through healing touch. Some attend massage school to work in a particular field such as sports medicine or in a spa environment. Others receive massage training to satisfy a different ambition. They want to:

¨ Own their own business

¨ Be their own boss

¨ Make a lot of money

The massage industry is not immune to capitalistic instincts. Nor should it be.

Many massage schools tout the income potential of a career as a massage therapist. Income projections for a good massage therapist range from $50-$75 per hour. That translates to about $65,000-$100,000 a year depending on the number of clients served each day. This also requires that you are working independently and managing your own client base.

As attractive as a six-figure salary for providing massage therapy may be, the reality is that the median income for a massage therapist is $35,000. Many massage therapists only work part-time and quite a few are working in spas or health clubs as an employee or sub-contractor. So apparently, the big money in massage therapy goes to those that own their own business and practice full time.

So can you make big bucks as a massage therapist?

massage therapists

It is definitely possible to make a quite decent living as a massage therapist. But don’t expect to strike it rich right out of massage school. You will have to build up a fairly substantial client base and that doesn’t happen overnight. Many new massage therapists go to work in a spa or health club to gain experience and build a reputation. Others perform massages for a very low fee or even for free just to get some buzz going about their capabilities. It can be a slow go once a therapist is out on their own and quite a few massage therapists call it quits as a full time enterprise early on.

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Massage Therapy and Stages of Traumatic Injury

7 May

this stage

Massage Therapy is the hands on manipulation of muscles, skin, tendons, ligaments and membranes of the body to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical functions, relieve pain or prevent physical dysfunction. (College of Massage Therapists of Ontario)

Massage therapy has many benefits and can help a wide range of the population. Massage can be particularly beneficial after a trauma such as whiplash type injury, which can occur from a motor vehicle accident, fall or other mechanism of injury.

Typically Massage therapy can benefit in all stages of healing after such trauma, whether acute, sub acute or chronic.

In the very early, or acute stages of an injury, the main goal is to manage inflammation and reduce pain. Lymphatic drainage type massage, as well as ice massage or other cold hydrotherapy can help to accomplish this. Other techniques such as Cranial Sacral therapy can be helpful to rebalance the nervous system, allowing the body greater innate healing abilities. Massage during this stage will also help to speed up recovery time and may prevent stagnation of waste products in the affected tissues and build up of fibrotic materials. (If you have had an accident you may need medical attention before seeing your massage therapist. It is recommended to see your medical doctor and have appropriate diagnosis of your injury before commencing treatment)

In a sub acute stage, massage treatments may involve some joint mobilization and range of motion techniques within patient’s tolerance to improve joint lubrication and motion. Beginning the retraining and reeducation process the sensory apparatus within the soft tissue is important at this stage. Some more specific techniques may start being used at this stage to help align any fibrotic tissues into the correct patterns, which may minimize the loss of ranges of motion in a joint.

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