Tag Archives: making your

5 Steps to making your dreams real

5 Jun

your dreams

Studies show that if your goals and dreams have many if not all these criterion, they are more likely to be accomplished and become real.

Your goals need to be measurable. It’s not enough to say, “I will write more.” It’s much better if you can state, “I will write for three hours Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.” Specifics, you can track and see how you are progressing.

Make your goals attainable. I’m not saying, dream small, because your dreams need to be challenging, but don’t make them so far out of your reach that you are left defeated and dismayed. If your ultimate goal is to buy a house in the coming year, but you have no real savings, pull back and adjust your time frame or get a second job. Another option is to land on a similar dream that is just as fulfilling…maybe a more spacious apartment or an apartment with a deck?

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