Tag Archives: lower back

Severe Lower Back Pain – Time For Exercises

4 Feb

back pain

Many people suffer for years with lower back pain and eventually find some relief from various pain killers. I have eliminated or substantially reduced approaches prescribed by my pain management specialist. The difference is daily exercise for back pain relief.

My pain story is not unique. Several years ago, my doctor determined I had two herniated discs and osteoarthritis in the lumbar area. The discs and the inflammation of the osteoarthritis restricted a channel and pinched the sciatic nerve. The result was severe lower back pain, coupled with sciatic nerve pain. Over a number of years, I progressed from shots in the lower back, to an implanted neurostimulator, to a variety of pain medications. Most recently, the pain medications consisted of two narcotic drugs, one on an as-needed basis, and one for 24-hour maintenance. The physical and emotional effects of the medications substantially changed the quality of my life. I wanted to get rid of those medications, even if I had to live with the pain.

A friend with sciatic nerve pain told me a physical therapist helped him eliminate the pain through a daily exercise program. My pain management specialist agreed to write a prescription for the physical therapist of my choice, and I started a new life.

After the therapist completed his evaluation, he told me two important things. First, a significant amount of lower back pain is the direct result of unused and out-of-shape muscles. Get those muscles in shape, keep them in shape, and most of the pain should disappear. Second, the exercises would not help the pain caused by the bone and osteoarthritis issues. In other words, an exercise program will eliminate muscle pain, while leaving the real source of my lower back pain- herniated discs and osteoarthritis.

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