Tag Archives: know when

Natural Treatment for the Common Condition of Arthritis

1 Dec

treat condition

For many people the word arthritis is associated with old age, but this isn’t the case. Arthritis is a fancy word for joint inflammation and can affect an individual at any age. The most common word to describe arthritis symptoms is rheumatism.

Chiropractic treatment for arthritis depends on the type of chiropractor, whether he or she is a straight chiropractor or a mixed chiropractor. Straight chiropractors manipulate the spine to correct the subluxation along with any other imbalances. Mixed chiropractors normally treat the condition with a spinal adjustment as well as using other remedies such as acupressure.

Dr. Lynn Kelly, D.C. has identified the improperly moving joints caused by misalignments of the bones as the top reason for arthritis. Spinal manipulations will always involve the sound of the bones “popping”. The sound is actually the joints relieving tiny gas pockets (mostly of nitrogen) due to the adjustment of the vertebrae.

Chiropractors are trained to know when a condition is outside of their scope of practice. In a situation such as this, the patient is referred to someone who can properly treat the condition, such as a pain management doctor. Movement is vital and highly beneficial to the maintenance of arthritic joints. This helps stimulate cartilage health, formation, and prevention of degradation. Preventative measures can be assessed for arthritis starting at an early age.

ยท To avoid future disability, always make sure that any injuries to the joints are treated as soon as possible to allow proper healing.

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