Tag Archives: Janice Taylor

5 Steps to Self-Love

26 Sep

positive affirmation

I’m not quite sure why it is so difficult to ‘love thyself,’ the number one commandment of Our Lady of Weight Loss’ 10 Commandments of Permanent Fat Removal (a.k.a. weight loss) but apparently – it is!

If you were to ask me, “Janice … What’s the best part of losing weight?” (Go ahead, ask …) I would tell you with certainty that the big prize of permanent weight removal is that at the end of the day there is no beating up of self. I love myself. (In a grounded, non-narcissistic way.)

As a flower needs watering, so does ‘self-love.’

~ Janice Taylor, the voice of Our Lady of Weight Loss

How can you begin to water your ‘self-love’ today???

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