Tag Archives: help them

Pilates Equipment Basics

9 Oct

from certified

So you want to get started on a Pilates program but don’t know what Pilates equipment you will need to get started. That’s great news and a decision you will not regret!

Pilates is growing in popularity because it produces results and has been doing so for decades. Now you can even set up a home workout studio that uses Pilates equipment similar to the original Joseph Pilates designed models. And we know what kind of results he described!

Joseph and his classic Pilates Method have such a legion of followers and part of that reason is because his Pilates equipment produced results. The good news is that the huge variety in sizes of Pilates equipment has made that equipment more affordable and more size appropriate to fit into our homes instead of just a gym somewhere.

Think back about when Joseph Pilates got started with his Pilates method. During World War I, Joseph was at an English internment camp and started to test his exercises on injured soldiers. Pilates started with those patients who were immobilized and bed-bound. To get them exercising, Joseph rigged up their hospital beds with springs, creating resistance to help them regain their strength. Brilliant! It was from this experience and experiment that Joseph went on to develop the Pilates Reformer.

Fascinated with spring-based pieces of equipment, Joseph headed to New York in the 1920s. He’d spent additional time creating more spring-based pieces of equipment as well as pieces that had lots of movable bars and adjustable straps.

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