Tag Archives: healthy diet

Lowering The Risk Of High Blood

21 Jul

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High Blood Pressure or Hypertension is caused by the high pressure in the arteries which carry blood from the heart to the whole body. It is also called as the silent killer because it shows no symptoms in its initial stages; it is only when an organ of the body is damaged that the patient realizes that he has high blood pressure. The good news is, the risk can be lowered by exercising and eating a healthy diet. Exercise also helps boost the effectiveness of medicine being taken for hypertension.

Find activities that are fun that involve exercise that can be done on most days of the week. Activities like walking around the mall with family or friends. Also, when going to the mall, try parking the car at the end of the parking lot to increase activity. Doing household chores like cleaning the house, gardening, washing the windows or carrying the groceries can also be a form of exercise and benefit the heart.

Go to the gym. Going to the gym is not really the only means of becoming active but most people go there because they seem to be more focused because of the environment in it. Also, there is always a trainer that can guide you on how to use the equipment properly to avoid injury. A home gym can also be created if you don’t have time or don’t like to go to a gym. Simply purchase a step bench, some weights, exercise bands and a yoga ball and use them daily. A treadmill or stationary bike can also increase the body’s endurance and help burn fat faster. Always remember, warm up before every exercise and cool down after. These will help in increasing and decreasing your heart rate gradually. And the most important thing when exercising is to know your body’s limitation. If the exercise or activity hurts, make you feel dizzy or the chest hurts, stop and find other activities that do not cause these. If one cannot tolerate the heat, swimming can be an alternative. Swimming relaxes the blood vessels and lower the pulse rate and blood pressure.

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How to Eat Healthier Homepage

20 Nov

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Welcome to the homepage of “How to Eat Healthier,” an exclusive series from Intent.com on starting a healthy diet. Every day, you will have the opportunity to read a new article from our very own Intent Voice health experts on a variety of topics that affect your diet and overall health.

Day 1:”INTRODUCTION: Start Feeling Great By Eating Healthier NOW!” By Intent.com and “8 Foods That Fight Fat” By Michelle Schoffro-Cook

DAY 2: “The Power of a Weight Loss Journal” By Sheer Balance

DAY 3: “Eating For Mental Health” By Kellen Von Houser

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DAY 4:”The 9 Healthiest Winter Vegetables” By Donna Gates

DAY 5: “Sweetness Without Sugar Spikes: The Power of a Low Glycemic Raw Foods” By Angela Stokes

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