Tag Archives: going need

A Look Into Building Your Own Worm Farm

5 Sep

worm farm

So you’ve chose to take the plunge and set up your own worm farm. Perhaps you’re searching for a natural path for composting waste, are curious about the nutrient rich fertilizing substance made by the worms, or are hoping to given a constant supply of live bait or live food for exotic pets. Irrespective of the reason, you’re going to need to put together a bin.

Various models are available for purchase at worm farming supply businesses and garden centers. These come in assorted shapes, sizes and colors and each have their own benefits. The frugal approach is to constructor your own.

The first thing to think about is how big of a container you’re going to need. To figure this out, you’ll need to first measure out approximately how much waste you are going to need to use for feeding. For each pound of waste, you’ll need one square foot of space in your bin. Depth ought to be at least six to twelve ins.

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