Tag Archives: fungus overgrowth

Seeking Asthma Relief – The Role Of Antibiotics In Causing Asthma And Allergies

20 Nov

caused frequent

For the past forty years baby boomers and their children were given antibiotics on a regular basis to treat infections. This overuse has resulted in very dangerous resistance to superbugs that we’ve all read about in the news. You probably are aware now that infectious microorganisms and fungi that were once treatable have become much stronger and even deadly because they have mutated into hardy or resistant strains due to the use of antibiotics. However, what many people and even your own doctor may not be aware of is that antibiotic use also results in an overgrowth of yeast and fungus in the intestinal tract.

Eventually if this is not treated properly it can become systemic, meaning that it invades all systems of the body. This yeast or fungus overgrowth contributes to a lowering of the immune system where cancers and other pathogen overgrowths can develop. Patients looking for asthma relief would benefit by knowing that diseases like asthma and allergies are a result of yeast and fungus overgrowth or candida in the intestinal tract caused by frequent antibiotic use.

1. The symptoms of a yeast overgrowth problem can include:

2. Fatigue and foggy thinking.

3. Cravings for sugar or bread or any foods that contain yeast

4. Bloated abdomen, gas or abdominal pain.

5. Unable to lose weight

6. Vaginal, genital infection or itchy rashes.

7. A white coating on the tongue.

caused frequent

8. Sinus infections.

9. Loss of energy.

Other diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome and Chrohn’s disease have been shown to be caused by frequent antibiotics use. In addition, studies have shown that antibiotics have also been linked to the development of allergies, hayfever and asthma in children. Medical associations in North America, the United Kingdom, and Australia are aware of this but surprisingly many people and their doctors do not seem to be educated in this regard. Despite the superbug problem, antibiotics still seem to be asked for by patients and prescribed too often by their doctors. Boosting the immune system by eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise and adequate rest is often all that is needed to fight or prevent infections. If antibiotics are necessary, many patients are not made aware of the risks and more importantly what to do about them.

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