Tag Archives: erectile dysfunction

Natural Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction

15 Oct

amino acid

What is the condition known as Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is a condition when the man is unable to obtain a proper erection in order to have satisfying sexual intercourse. It commonly affects men over 64 but it is also possible to affect younger men.

Natural Cures for Erectile Dysfunction

Below you can find five natural remedies for erectile dysfunction.

1) L-Arginine

L-arginine is an amino acid used by the human body to produce nitric oxide – a substance that helps the muscles surrounding blood vessels to relax and dilate, so that the flow of blood is increased. Thus, if the muscles in the penile area are relaxed, more blood will enter the penis and an erection will occur.

This amino acid can be found in different foods, including fish, meat, dairy products and poultry. In addition, some oral L-arginine supplements are available and they are often called “natural Viagra”.

However, the effectiveness of L-arginine for treatment of erectile dysfunction is only explored by two studies.

The first study included 50 men who were given 5 grams of L-arginine every day or a placebo. Six weeks later more men who were taking L-arginine experienced a sexual improvement in comparison to the men who were taking a placebo. An interesting fact is that this improvement was noticed only in the men who had low nitric oxide levels at the beginning of the study.

The second study involved intake of lower dose of L-arginine for a shorter period of time. There were 32 participants suffering of erectile dysfunction who were given 500 milligrams of L-arginine three times every day or a placebo for a period of 17 days. The men who were taking the amino acid experienced no benefits.

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