Tag Archives: Eating Healthy

How to Eat Healthier

29 Sep

Eating Healthy

We all strive to do what is best for our bodies. From working out to diets, cleanses and more, being “healthy” isn’t the easiest thing out there.

That’s why we reached out to our community of Intent voices and asked their advice on how we can become healthier by changing our eating habits? Here is their advice:

What Should We Eat:

Why Organic Matters by Ashley Koff

Summer – A Time to Revisit Vegetables by Caroline Sutherland

Sugar, by Any Other Name, is Not As Sweet by Felicia Tomasko

Eating Healthy Simply by Replacing X with Y by Yumi Sakugawa

Eating Healthy: 5 Ingredients to Avoid by Sheer Balance

Eating Japanese by Cassaundra Vergel

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