Tag Archives: down bees

A Look at the Safety Equipment for Beekeepers

29 May

also need

1. Safety equipment for bee keepers

Beekeepers have to wear suits that cover them and protect them completely from top to toe and that cannot be punctured by the bees, and through which the bees cannot sting them. To protect their face they have a mesh screen and also employ smokers to settle down bees that have become very agitated. The smoker calms down the bees while the beekeeper gets the honey out of the hive.

They also have to make sure the bees are in their hives shaping up with the honey making procedure and the only way they can do all this is if the bees are calm. Beekeepers in addition have a crowbar to scrape the honey out that can be rather difficult to remove. The bee hives are usually placed in secluded areas so that the bees do not become a menace to people who are moving about in that area. This is in addition to ensure that the bees are not disturbed by too much of noise and human traffic which will antagonize them and make them swarm.

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