Tag Archives: Diet Cleanse

Master Diet Cleanse – Should This Lemonade Be Used For Quick Weight Loss?

13 Aug

weight quickly

Most people are familiar with the Master Diet Cleanse and might be wondering if this lemonade should be used for quick weight loss. The Master Diet Cleanse originated in 1941 when alternative medicine proponent Stanley Burroughs created the plan to cleanse and eliminate toxins from the body. Since then, people have been using the cleanse for not only it’s detoxifying benefits but also for quick weight loss. Some celebrities have even used forms of the diet including Beyonce, Liv Tyler and Kym Johnson from Dancing With The Stars.

But celebrities are always doing crazy diets for the red carpet and to be ready for the spotlight. Is this diet something that the average person can do too? Maybe not in it’s original form. You see, the original diet consisted of only drinking a mixture of lemons, cayenne pepper, water and maple syrup for 10 days. There was no eating so users were most likely losing just water weight and perhaps muscle too. Sure, they lost a lot of weight, but at what cost to their bodies?

Nowadays, there is a better way to try the Master Diet Cleanse by getting all of the ingredients in a pill form. With this plan, dieters can take the pill for 14 days and possibly lose up to 17 pounds but they also get to eat real food. So there is no starving and eating food keeps your body just burning fat, not the muscle we want to keep.

So what are the benefits to this? First of all, your body gets a good cleaning out. Lemons are naturally detoxifying and help to clear your system. Next, you will lose weight quickly. While losing weight quickly might not always be the best way to go about it, sometimes people just need something fast for a wedding or an upcoming event that they don’t want to feel puffy and bloated for. Lastly, some people who cleanse have reported clearer skin and a clearer mentality.

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