Tag Archives: credit report

5 Steps to Good Privacy Habits

29 Oct

compelling reason

People don’t change bad habits until they have a compelling reason. Too often that compelling reason is the result of a habit’s negative outcome; but the promise of positive rewards resulting from the establishment of good habits can be a strong motivator. In the workplace, aligning responsible information stewardship with personal and professional gain can set the stage for good privacy habits.

Here are 5 steps you can take towards perfecting your own Privacy Habits:

Tighten up online passwords. Create strong, alphanumeric passwords. Instead of your password beingSunflower make it $uNf(0w3R. Don’t use common password reminders such as your dog’s name, street address, or mother’s maiden name. All of those would be easily uncovered by an identity thief.

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How you can avoid bankruptcy and what to do in case you can’t.

25 Feb

How you can avoid bankruptcy and what to do in case you can't.

In these trying financial times, the average credit score is 600. This is a minimum of 125 points down from 3 years ago. The millions of folks who have lost their homes and jobs have suffered tremendous blows to their credit, and they are more in debt than ever. Bankruptcy lawyers are capitalizing on these unsuspecting consumers by means of guerilla marketing campaigns, which tell you that bankruptcy is the only choice. This could not be farther from the truth!!

Let’s face it: bankruptcy attorneys want your money. What they will not tell you is that bankruptcy is not generally the best alternative.

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