Tag Archives: contact with

Relief for Eczema

3 Sep

contact with

Eczema, is a chronic condition that can make your itchy skin dry and crack in places. The good news, however, is that you can use simple home remedies to help relieve the pain and soothe the itchy discomfort without having to spend a lot of money!

The skin can break out in rash-like patches that come and go. The rash can become red and inflamed with blisters that may leak fluid. If scratched open it will spread to other areas.

Yuk! So, please don’t scratch.

With home remedies you will be feeling better and you be cleared up no time!

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition describes eczema “as a non-contagious inflammation of the skin characterized by redness, itching, and lesions that break open with a clear discharge which becomes encrusted and scaly.”

Now, let’s look at some things that can cause a breakout:

soaps with fragrant or perfumes, alcohol or perfumed lotions

hot, sweaty skin

dry indoor air or wintry air with little moisture

itchy clothing such as wool, dust mites in bed sheets

pollen, mold, mildew, or animal dander

latex (my worst enemy) or rubber gloves

certain jewelry (another culprit of mine)

tobacco smoke

some foods with a tomato base, the acid or certain dairy foods

nutrient deficiencies especially vitamins A and B-6, Zinc, magnesium, iron and essential fatty acids

emotional stress

There are several types that will have different symtoms and causes such as:

Atopic Eczema which is the most common type. Atopy means a family history or predisposition to allergy conditions such as hay fever, asthma and eczema. Runny noses and sneezing, from the allergies, can trigger flare ups.

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