Tag Archives: cell destruction

Lower Your Risk of Colon Cancer Naturally

14 Apr

curcumin resveratrol

While conventional medicine has made strides in treating colon cancer, the real goal is prevention and there is growing evidence that colon health may be promoted safely, effectively and naturally, using nutritional supplements.

Polyphenols, Plant-Based Anticancer Nutrients

Among the largest groups of plant-based nutrients with strong evidence of cancer-fighting potential is the polyphenol family. It includes the nutritional sub-groups tannins and flavonoids,which can slow, reverse or prevent cancer growth. The clinical evidence supporting polyphenols’ cancer-preventive power is considerable–and growing rapidly.These compounds are found in berries, tea, grapes/wine, olive oil, chocolate/cocoa, walnuts, and most other fruits and vegetables.

Here are a few of the polyphenol family’s most powerful members:


Recently, has emerged as a leading cancer fighter.  Its nutritional profile includes antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin ranks among the polyphenols capable of disrupting a cancer that has started to develop and slow or stop tumor growth by apoptosis (cell destruction) and angiogenesis which limits blood vessel growth that tumors need to spread. Studies have shown that curcumin suppressed tumor growth in lab cultures better than a known chemo drug and with no toxicity.

Recently, it was discovered that a combination of curcumin and another anti-inflammatory polyphenol called quercetin (see below) could cause precancerous polyps to diminish substantially.

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