Tag Archives: before bedtime

Relaxation Techniques for Anxiety – 7 Effective Areas

21 Aug

stress hormones

Effective relaxation techniques for anxiety are varied and sometimes based on individual taste. They can be important for maintaining well-being and productivity. Here are seven proven areas to consider.

I. Burn up the excess energy

Anxiety in chemical terms produces stress hormone like cortisol and adrenaline. These can be useful short term to for the extra energy need for fight-or-flight response to a real and imminent danger. But the stress hormones also come at a cost. One can reduce these stress hormones in the body and brain by expending energy in innocuous or productive methods like a fast walk or cleaning around the house or yoga. Aerobic exercise, by the way, can improve mood by increasing endorphines.

II. Distract yourself

As such, burning up stress hormones may not make the anxiety-producing thoughts and circumstances go away. Neither will distractions, though distractions can be a powerful temporary way to stop feeling anxious.

There is a danger here. Distractions can become a form of avoidance behavior. One of the strongest reactions to feelings of anxiety is avoidance. We avoid what we fear. Avoidance tends to strengthen the anxiety over time, whereas embracing and facing one’s anxieties, and especially the symptoms of anxiety, can be empowering.

So distractions must be used carefully. Distractions away from anxiety can be useful especially if the thing toward which one is distracted is healthy, positive, and serves a useful purpose in recovering from anxiety.

A simple example is gratitude. Distracting oneself from anxiety and to a feeling of gratitude has proven to be helpful in improving mood and well-being. Enjoyable and healthy hobbies may serve a similar purpose. So can confronting false negative assumptions and replacing them with realistic and positive thoughts. So often can deliberately slower, deep breathing exercises.

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