Tag Archives: because these

About Diet

11 Sep

weight loss

All of us have grown familiar with the promises that come with fast weight loss. However, you need to discuss this first with your doctor. It is because these diets are often unhealthy when in fact you still need to maintain a well balanced diet in any weight loss program. In every weight gained or weight lost, calorie equation plays a vital role. For instance, you may keep your weight constant if you take only calories you can burn in a day. Yet if you take a lot more calories than you can burn in a day, the extra calories will be stored in your body causing you to gain weight.

When you hear the word “diet”, what usually comes to mind is a meal composing of lettuce and cottage cheese. According to dictionaries, “diet” is a prescribed selection of food that a person consumes in a day. When you adhere to a diet with so many restrictions as to the amount and type of food you eat, it is often unsuccessful. With this type of diet, you are more likely to binge on the restricted foods and cause yourself to gain more weight. So you should change the kind and quantity of food you eat everyday and stick to this change permanently. It is necessary to remember your favorite and most hated food in making your diet and include sufficient amount of calories and nutrients for your health.

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