Tag Archives: away from

Relaxation Help – What Causes Relaxation?

7 Aug

feelings this

Anxiety attacks, panic attacks and anxiety disorder all set traps for its victims. The reason for this is anxiety and even simple nervousness, is brought on by the flight or fight syndrome and they bring with them feelings that are disturbing enough to cause people to try to escape from them. Escaping from anything means fighting with it or running away from it. In other words, fight or flight. As you can see, this is counterproductive because anxiety intensifies as we try to fight it or run away from it.

Everyone experiences nervousness to some degree and most people experience anxiety of some type. However, if we try to flee from the feelings this anxiety brings to us we only help its fires to burn hotter. By the same token, the more we wrestle with it in an attempt to make it subside the more we also intensify the feelings anxiety brings on. Therefore, recognizing nervousness and anxiety and then trying to avoid them is a prescription for more anxiety and more nervousness.

Many people find help by simply doing their best to ignore any symptom brought on by anxiety or nervousness and concentrating on the feelings which are brought on by relaxation. For this reason, it is very helpful to use simple relaxation techniques periodically. Then when you get yourself to the point where you are engulfed in relaxation, you will have experienced relaxation and can recall the feelings this relaxation has brought to you anytime you wish.

By doing this you no longer are fighting with anxiety. Thus, you will not be causing it to intensify. Instead, you will be using the positive reinforcement of relaxation to stop the cycle that intensifies nervousness.

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How to Avoid Getting Sick at The Gym

13 Sep

your hands

The other day I was completely grossed out and horrified when some rude, sneezing, snarfing, and sick person was working out next to me. (Makes no sense, because we’re working out to feel good and get fit/healthy right)? With all the people, sweat, and warmth, gyms are the ideal breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. Here are a few ways to protect yourself and avoid getting sick from nasty germs (and people) at the gym.

Stay home if you’re sick. Do you want to catch a cold from a sick person at the gym? Of course not! And other people don’t want to pick up your sick germs either. If you are have a fever, are sneezing, and/or coughing, you are contagious. Stay home. If you have a cold, give yourself a chance to rest and recover and return to the gym when you are feeling better. If you do feel up to working out, try exercising at home or outdoors instead where you won’t infect others.

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