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How to Eat Healthier Homepage

20 Nov

healthy diet

Welcome to the homepage of “How to Eat Healthier,” an exclusive series from on starting a healthy diet. Every day, you will have the opportunity to read a new article from our very own Intent Voice health experts on a variety of topics that affect your diet and overall health.

Day 1:”INTRODUCTION: Start Feeling Great By Eating Healthier NOW!” By and “8 Foods That Fight Fat” By Michelle Schoffro-Cook

DAY 2: “The Power of a Weight Loss Journal” By Sheer Balance

DAY 3: “Eating For Mental Health” By Kellen Von Houser

healthy diet

DAY 4:”The 9 Healthiest Winter Vegetables” By Donna Gates

DAY 5: “Sweetness Without Sugar Spikes: The Power of a Low Glycemic Raw Foods” By Angela Stokes

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A Look on Diet Fitness

25 Oct

diet programs

Many individuals nowadays are extremely a lot conscious about their very own health and fitness. In addition to that, these individuals, and lots of other people as well, are now having that want to sculpt their bodies to achieve that magazine-cover look. Therefore, gyms, health spas and other fitness centers have proliferated all over to cater to the needs with the fitness buffs and afficionados.

Even on television physical exercise machines, bodyweight loss goods, and other paraphernalia to improve fitness have much more or much less gained manage more than the airwaves and produced their way into the households. But exercise is not the only way to develop that physique stunning. It also entails certain amount of responsibility around the foods 1 chooses to eat. Becoming healthy and fit requires one to observe diet fitness.

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5 Reasons to Try a Protein Shake

3 Oct

Protein Shake

The concept of drinking a Protein Shake may have you conjuring up images of big, overly built body builders, with their muscles and veins popping in every direction as they chug some goopy, raw egg mixture. Protein shakes, however, have come a long way in the last five to ten years and can be a great supplement to any individual’s diet, even those who aren’t looking to ‘beef up’. Personally, I have become a huge fan of Whey Protein, and have a Whey Protein shake every morning after I exercise. Granted, it is always better to eat ‘real’ foods as opposed to shakes, but here are a few good reasons to give them a try:

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How to Eat Healthier

29 Sep

Eating Healthy

We all strive to do what is best for our bodies. From working out to diets, cleanses and more, being “healthy” isn’t the easiest thing out there.

That’s why we reached out to our community of Intent voices and asked their advice on how we can become healthier by changing our eating habits? Here is their advice:

What Should We Eat:

Why Organic Matters by Ashley Koff

Summer – A Time to Revisit Vegetables by Caroline Sutherland

Sugar, by Any Other Name, is Not As Sweet by Felicia Tomasko

Eating Healthy Simply by Replacing X with Y by Yumi Sakugawa

Eating Healthy: 5 Ingredients to Avoid by Sheer Balance

Eating Japanese by Cassaundra Vergel

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5 Steps to Self-Love

26 Sep

positive affirmation

I’m not quite sure why it is so difficult to ‘love thyself,’ the number one commandment of Our Lady of Weight Loss’ 10 Commandments of Permanent Fat Removal (a.k.a. weight loss) but apparently – it is!

If you were to ask me, “Janice … What’s the best part of losing weight?” (Go ahead, ask …) I would tell you with certainty that the big prize of permanent weight removal is that at the end of the day there is no beating up of self. I love myself. (In a grounded, non-narcissistic way.)

As a flower needs watering, so does ‘self-love.’

~ Janice Taylor, the voice of Our Lady of Weight Loss

How can you begin to water your ‘self-love’ today???

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How to Avoid Getting Sick at The Gym

13 Sep

your hands

The other day I was completely grossed out and horrified when some rude, sneezing, snarfing, and sick person was working out next to me. (Makes no sense, because we’re working out to feel good and get fit/healthy right)? With all the people, sweat, and warmth, gyms are the ideal breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. Here are a few ways to protect yourself and avoid getting sick from nasty germs (and people) at the gym.

Stay home if you’re sick. Do you want to catch a cold from a sick person at the gym? Of course not! And other people don’t want to pick up your sick germs either. If you are have a fever, are sneezing, and/or coughing, you are contagious. Stay home. If you have a cold, give yourself a chance to rest and recover and return to the gym when you are feeling better. If you do feel up to working out, try exercising at home or outdoors instead where you won’t infect others.

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About Diet

11 Sep

weight loss

All of us have grown familiar with the promises that come with fast weight loss. However, you need to discuss this first with your doctor. It is because these diets are often unhealthy when in fact you still need to maintain a well balanced diet in any weight loss program. In every weight gained or weight lost, calorie equation plays a vital role. For instance, you may keep your weight constant if you take only calories you can burn in a day. Yet if you take a lot more calories than you can burn in a day, the extra calories will be stored in your body causing you to gain weight.

When you hear the word “diet”, what usually comes to mind is a meal composing of lettuce and cottage cheese. According to dictionaries, “diet” is a prescribed selection of food that a person consumes in a day. When you adhere to a diet with so many restrictions as to the amount and type of food you eat, it is often unsuccessful. With this type of diet, you are more likely to binge on the restricted foods and cause yourself to gain more weight. So you should change the kind and quantity of food you eat everyday and stick to this change permanently. It is necessary to remember your favorite and most hated food in making your diet and include sufficient amount of calories and nutrients for your health.

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A Look at Exercise Stretching Walking

9 Sep

your walking

When looking at using walking as exercise, the only person who probably wouldn’t really benefit from walking would be someone who was already very fit. In fact you only need to walk for as little as 30 minutes every day to start seeing health benefits. If you have been walking fast, walk slowly or stretch for a few minutes to cool down.

Try walking in different settings, alternating walking with dance on different days, and of course including a partner can be much more interesting than going at it alone. If you are someone who attends the gym regularly, there are machines which give you the opportunity to walk or run on them which can be an efficient use of exercise time.

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A Guide To Effective Travel Planning

25 Aug

each person

Another year has passed and the time has come to book your trip to some far off, or nearby land. You may dream of sunny skies and soft sand. Or maybe you want to take a rough guide through the woods. No matter what you want to do or how far from home you expect to go, travel planning is an important first step in the journey. Now is the time to find your favorite fountain pen and journal and begin make some crucial notes.

The first point to consider is the feelings and desires of you and the others in your party. Think about the type of hotel and amenities that your companions desire. Some people crave a five start hotel with every luxury that life has to offer. Others want to soak up the local atmosphere, even if it means doing away with some common services, such as running water, plumbing or central air conditioning.

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How to do Yoga for good health

25 Aug

health conditions

Peforming Yoga exercises are good for physical and mental health conditions. There are various types of Yoga from beginning level to advance level taught at various Yoga centers throughout the country & internationally.

When you do Yoga for the first time, you should learn from a certified Yoga Instructor (or) from a licensed Yoga center. If you cannot afford to join a Yoga class, look for free lessons (or) discourses. You can also find some Yoga poses on the Internet and possible DVD’s, youtube videos. “event management

Kids should not try any yoga poses on their own as it has to be learnt the right way. Children can join yoga classes at an early age so they get the habit of practicing yoga for health in the long run. Practicing yoga gives a complete stress free, inner peace of mind.

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