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How to Clear the Mind Clutter and Follow Your Intuition

27 Nov

first ring

I just got off the phone with Dr. Oz because of this column. Susan Wagner at “The Dr. Oz Show” had been introduced to my work to help viewers implement the show’s information and reinvent their heath habits. She writes a heck of a blog! It inspired me to begin taking a morning Happy Walk before I begin my day. I needed to follow up on a segment idea.

I’m back from my Happy Walk and was grinding the beans for my morning coffee when I heard, “Call Susan now. Right now,” said the little voice in my head.

“Geez, can’t I have my coffee first?” said the devoted caffeine lover.

“How serious are you about helping people have better lives?” my not-so-small voice retorted.

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5 Steps to making your dreams real

5 Jun

your dreams

Studies show that if your goals and dreams have many if not all these criterion, they are more likely to be accomplished and become real.

Your goals need to be measurable. It’s not enough to say, “I will write more.” It’s much better if you can state, “I will write for three hours Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.” Specifics, you can track and see how you are progressing.

Make your goals attainable. I’m not saying, dream small, because your dreams need to be challenging, but don’t make them so far out of your reach that you are left defeated and dismayed. If your ultimate goal is to buy a house in the coming year, but you have no real savings, pull back and adjust your time frame or get a second job. Another option is to land on a similar dream that is just as fulfilling…maybe a more spacious apartment or an apartment with a deck?

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A Guide To Eyelid Surgery Las Vegas

12 May

eyelid surgery

Las Vegas’ climate can be extremely damaging to a person’s skin and this is part of the reason why eyelid surgery Las Vegas is so popular. The dry air, hot winds and bright sun could promote premature aging and severe wrinkling around a person’s eye area. This causes excess skin that may start hanging over your eyelids. For some individuals, this may cause impairment to their vision.

With aging, the skin around the eyes starts losing its elasticity. This may cause loose skin folds to develop on the upper eyelids. It may cause deep creases below the lower eyelids. In the lower eyelids the muscles might slacken and this will cause fat around the eye to bulge forward and give a baggy appearance to the lower lids. With eyelid surgery the excess skin and fat can be removed from around the eyes.

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