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Sex Addiction Recovery: Dealing With Your Emotionally Triggered Wife

19 Feb

pain until

Early recovery from sex addiction is a tumultuous time, your recovery foothold is shaky at best. So how do you maintain that precarious foothold when your partner is on the emotional rollercoaster? You know the rollercoaster I’m talking about; the one where she is angry, sad, fearful, or an ever shifting mix of all; the one that seems to come out of the blue to you; the one where her facts and logic just doesn’t make sense to you; the one you don’t really understand but have learned to fear.

How do you survive her rollercoaster &, more importantly, how do you help her through it so the seeds for a tiny bit of trust are planted? If the Serenity Prayer seems like your only lifeline for getting through the rollercoaster, let me teach a new strategy for helping to calm the emotional storm and begin to repair your relationship.

First of all, accept that you won’t understand, so don’t make the mistake of saying you do just to appease her. Let me tell you a secret about your wife; she already knows you can’t understand. She may not like that fact, but when she’s not on the rollercoaster she does get that. She also knows you can’t fix her or stop her pain. What she needs from you is not to make the rollercoaster go away, but for you to get on the rollercoaster with her and help her deal with the pain until it eases. Remember when you were a kid and banged up your arm? You probably gently cradled it with your other arm. You held it until the pain subsided. When you can tolerate hearing your partner‘s pain it is like you are cradling her heart and helping to hold her pain until it recedes.

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Sever’s Disease

9 Feb

caused inflammation

Sever’s disease, also known as calcaneal apophysitis, is caused by the inflammation of the tendon which joins to the heel bone. The inflammation results from the repeated physical exertion of the heel bone and the connecting tendon, and most commonly occurs in children between the ages of 7 and 15. The disease is common in children and adolescents because their heel bones are still in the process of growing; continuous exertion due to physical activity causes micro fractures between the growth plate and the rest of the bone, causing the growth plate to become displaced.

The symptoms of Sever’s disease include:

Tenderness in the heel, which is often made worse by vigorous activities like jumping and exercising.

Muscle stiffness around the heel first thing in the morning.

Discomfort while walking, which can result in limping or tiptoeing.

Swelling of the inflamed heel.

Although Sever’s disease is self-recovering, it is important to take steps to mitigate the effects of the disease in order to prevent it from developing into a tumor or osteomyelitis, both of which are more difficult to treat.

Treatment for Sever’s disease includes:

Cutting back on physical activity. Since Sever’s disease is brought about by excessive physical activity, it is important to give the affected heel adequate time to rest and recover.

Stretching and elevation. Stretching the surrounding muscles relieves tension, and elevation can reduce the amount of pressure on the heel.

Ice packs. After engaging in physical activity, ice packs can be used to soothe the affected heel.

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Severe Lower Back Pain – Time For Exercises

4 Feb

back pain

Many people suffer for years with lower back pain and eventually find some relief from various pain killers. I have eliminated or substantially reduced approaches prescribed by my pain management specialist. The difference is daily exercise for back pain relief.

My pain story is not unique. Several years ago, my doctor determined I had two herniated discs and osteoarthritis in the lumbar area. The discs and the inflammation of the osteoarthritis restricted a channel and pinched the sciatic nerve. The result was severe lower back pain, coupled with sciatic nerve pain. Over a number of years, I progressed from shots in the lower back, to an implanted neurostimulator, to a variety of pain medications. Most recently, the pain medications consisted of two narcotic drugs, one on an as-needed basis, and one for 24-hour maintenance. The physical and emotional effects of the medications substantially changed the quality of my life. I wanted to get rid of those medications, even if I had to live with the pain.

A friend with sciatic nerve pain told me a physical therapist helped him eliminate the pain through a daily exercise program. My pain management specialist agreed to write a prescription for the physical therapist of my choice, and I started a new life.

After the therapist completed his evaluation, he told me two important things. First, a significant amount of lower back pain is the direct result of unused and out-of-shape muscles. Get those muscles in shape, keep them in shape, and most of the pain should disappear. Second, the exercises would not help the pain caused by the bone and osteoarthritis issues. In other words, an exercise program will eliminate muscle pain, while leaving the real source of my lower back pain- herniated discs and osteoarthritis.

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Severe Tooth Pain Causes

23 Jan

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As a general rule, parents are responsible for teaching their children many different things as they grow and mature. In these developmental years, one of the most basic but essential lessons is teaching the children how to take proper care of their teeth. This is fundamental information that is needed when children receive their first set of teeth and it also helps them with maintenance throughout their adulthood. For those who listen to and follow their parent’s advice, many are able to avoid a variety of different dental problems including severe tooth pain. Sometimes, however, tooth pain cannot be avoided because the causes of the pain can come from many different underlying conditions. Some of these causes include cavities, abscesses, injury to the mouth or the jaw, sinusitis or it can be a symptom of an early heart attack in women.


As stated above, one cause of severe tooth pain is cavities. Cavities can be described as small holes or decay in the teeth. These small holes and decay can come from eating different kinds of foods with carbohydrates (i.e. candy, cakes, sodas, pastas and other types of carbohydrates). These foods do not have to be avoided completely however, they should not be eaten if the person does not brush their teeth after every meal or snack.

Additionally, one of the best ways to avoid cavities is to visit the dentist on a regularly scheduled basis. For instance, According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, a child should visit their dentist for a check-up at least twice a year. In some cases, the dentist may recommend additional visits if the child is at a higher risk of tooth decay.

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Severe Hemorrhoids – 5 Steps to Ease the Discomfort

9 Jan

pain severe

What are Hemorrhoids? To help stool control, the hemorrhoids are the vascular structures, which are present inside the anal canal. To aid the stool’s passage, they act as arterio-venous channels. They should not be inflamed or swollen when they become piles.

There are two types of hemorrhoids:

External hemorrhoids:

External hemorrhoids are the varicosities inside the veins, and it occurs below dentate line. They are extremely painful and usually the sufferers of external hemorrhoids face severe irritation and swelling. The core symptom is itching, which is normally present in every carrier.

Internal hemorrhoids:

Internal hemorrhoids are also the varicosities inside the veins but its major difference is that it occurs above dentate line. If the sufferer doesn’t undertake treatment, it can lead towards very severe two stages i.e. strangulated hemorrhoids and prolapsed hemorrhoids. They have four degrees, classified upon the prolapsed version of hemorrhoids.

These are the 5 steps, which can surely ease the pain of severe hemorrhoids:

These hemorrhoids, no matter they are internal or external, are very painful and several people experience different type of problems like excessive itching and heart throbbing pain. Its severe forms do contain some serious bleeding issue. We have compiled up some step which would act as a savior in your efforts to ease down the pain, which is caused by the severe hemorrhoids. These steps include:

1. Sitz Bathing:

If you are experiencing some severe hemorrhoids, then the best thing which can ease up the hard time is the warm water. This warm water methodology acts as a magic when you experience external hemorrhoid’s excessive pain. This sitz bathing concept is very old one it is derived from a word SITZEN; of the German dialect.

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Severe Acne Treatment Solutions – Acne Treatments That Work

31 Dec

severe acne

Most types of acne can be treated easily, although there are limited options when it comes to severe acne treatment.

Most adolescents are overwhelmed by pimples or acne, especially severe acne. The basic definition of acne is a common skin disorder that manifests itself in form of red pimples on the skin. This change in color of the skin is caused by inflammations in the sebaceous glands of the skin.

An important point to note is that acne is treatable. Many treatments for acne have been developed over the years. Most of them are topical creams that can be applied to the affected areas directly to reduce the amount of oil on the skin and treat inflammations. There are also oral treatments for treating severe cases of acne.

Isotretinoin is one of the few severe acne treatment solutions that are available in the market. The main ingredient in this anti-inflammatory agent is obtained from vitamin A which decreases the body’s production of sebum, which is known to help in reducing bacteria on the skin.

Side effects of Isotretinoin treatment

Around 10 percent of all patients who take this medication usually experience some effects. The most common effects include inflammation of the skin or dermatitis, cracking and inflammation of the lips (chelitis), dry skin, scaling of the skin, itching, red rashes (rash erythematosus), and fragile skin. The frequency, severity and duration of these effects vary from patient to patient. Patients can use lip balms and skin moisturizer ointments or creams to deal with the side effects of this treatment.

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Severe Acid Reflux

11 Dec

acid reflux disease

If not treated, severe acid reflux can result in some very serious problems. This is why managing acid reflux disease is so important. Here we look at some conditions that can be a result of severe acid reflux and also some suggestions for managing acid reflux disease.

Severe acid reflux can lead to esophagitis. The esophagus is the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach. Muscles in the lower esophagus normally prevent stomach acid from coming back up into the esophagus, but when a person suffers from mild, moderate or severe acid reflux, the muscles do not stop the acid from entering the esophagus and this stomach acid can cause pain and inflammation of the esophagus, which is caused esophagitis. Managing acid reflux disease is all about preventing acid from leaking back up into the esophagus.

Sometimes, when severe acid reflux damages the lining of the esophagus, scarring and narrowing of the esophagus occurs. This scarring and narrowing is called strictures and can prevent food and liquids from reaching the stomach. Since strictures affect the ability to eat and drink, it must be treated by stretching and enlarging the esophagus to prevent other health problems that can arise from a lack of proper nutrition. Managing acid reflux disease, before it becomes severe can prevent damage to the esophagus, thus preventing strictures from forming.

In cases where severe acid reflux results in esophagitis, esophageal bleeding or ulcers may occur. A condition called Barrett’s esophagus can develop. The symptoms of Barrett’s esophagus are the same as those of severe acid reflux. By properly managing acid reflux disease, the chance of developing Barrett’s esophagus is reduced. People with Barrett’s esophagus have cellular changes in the esophagus that may lead to cancer. The major risk factors for esophageal cancer are considered to be smoking, Barrett’s esophagus, alcoholism and severe acid reflux.

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Seven Ways To Earn The Love of Your Acupuncturist

9 Dec

these questions

So you’ve decided to start making some positive changes, and have finally scheduled that acupuncture appointment. You know that this practitioner is going to become an important part of your journey to well-being, and you are going to be seeing them on a regular basis…so you should probably try to start off on the right foot with them. Here are some pointers on how to begin the acupuncturist/patient relationship on the right track:

1. Show up. Don’t just blow off your appointment without calling. Most practitioners charge a “no-show” fee for this, but even if they don’t-it’s still unacceptable behavior. It’s one thing to forget, but simply deciding not to come in because you’ve changed your mind is wasting your practitioner’s time, and taking that time away from another patient who might really need it.

2. Try to be on time. I understand that things happen, but if you are 30 minutes late for every appointment, perhaps you should shift your appointment time to a time that better suits your schedule.

3. Be honest. I will be asking lots of questions about your health, and even if it seems that these questions have nothing to do with why you are here, everything is connected. If you don’t answer these questions truthfully, I will have difficulty forming your diagnosis-which means that your treatment may not be as effective.

4. Be patient. If you have had a health issue for 20 years, it’s probably not going to resolve overnight. I will discuss what I think you will need, treatment-wise, during our first session. But please don’t give up after the first session if you don’t get immediate relief-acupuncture can sometimes take time, just like Western medicine!

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Seeking Asthma Relief – The Role Of Antibiotics In Causing Asthma And Allergies

20 Nov

caused frequent

For the past forty years baby boomers and their children were given antibiotics on a regular basis to treat infections. This overuse has resulted in very dangerous resistance to superbugs that we’ve all read about in the news. You probably are aware now that infectious microorganisms and fungi that were once treatable have become much stronger and even deadly because they have mutated into hardy or resistant strains due to the use of antibiotics. However, what many people and even your own doctor may not be aware of is that antibiotic use also results in an overgrowth of yeast and fungus in the intestinal tract.

Eventually if this is not treated properly it can become systemic, meaning that it invades all systems of the body. This yeast or fungus overgrowth contributes to a lowering of the immune system where cancers and other pathogen overgrowths can develop. Patients looking for asthma relief would benefit by knowing that diseases like asthma and allergies are a result of yeast and fungus overgrowth or candida in the intestinal tract caused by frequent antibiotic use.

1. The symptoms of a yeast overgrowth problem can include:

2. Fatigue and foggy thinking.

3. Cravings for sugar or bread or any foods that contain yeast

4. Bloated abdomen, gas or abdominal pain.

5. Unable to lose weight

6. Vaginal, genital infection or itchy rashes.

7. A white coating on the tongue.

caused frequent

8. Sinus infections.

9. Loss of energy.

Other diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome and Chrohn’s disease have been shown to be caused by frequent antibiotics use. In addition, studies have shown that antibiotics have also been linked to the development of allergies, hayfever and asthma in children. Medical associations in North America, the United Kingdom, and Australia are aware of this but surprisingly many people and their doctors do not seem to be educated in this regard. Despite the superbug problem, antibiotics still seem to be asked for by patients and prescribed too often by their doctors. Boosting the immune system by eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise and adequate rest is often all that is needed to fight or prevent infections. If antibiotics are necessary, many patients are not made aware of the risks and more importantly what to do about them.

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Reliable Ways to Quit Smoking – Acupuncture and Hypnosis Analysis

18 Nov

life which

If you look or you browse around today you will discover much have been said about the reasonable approach to stop smoking. Smoking is a way of life which is difficult to put to end to. If survey is carried out you will discover that people that find themselves in this act really want to say goodbye to it because it has been established that it is going to have negative effect on their health and the way of life at the long run. In view of this, a better approach is presented in this article. I hope you will enjoy it.

First on the list is Hypnosis. Hypnosis is probably one of the most popular and works for many people who want to choose a life which is smoke free. First of all, there are people who cannot be hypnotized, because they can’t be put into a hypnotic trance. This happens very frequently, which means that you can’t trust hypnosis to solve your smoking problem with 100% efficiency. The unconscious mind is very subtle and sensitive to impressions and suggestions. If the hypnotist does not know what he/she is doing, or the procedure is faulty, all sorts of information can reach to your unconscious, voluntarily or involuntarily induced by hypnosis.

will discover

Some people have complained of false memories after hypnosis. In fact, they were not even aware that their memories were changed but for their family and friends who took notice of the discrepancy. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to do a bit of research on the hypnotist’s background, find out what work experience he/she has and what education. Moreover, ask for references and recommendations from former clients. And last but not least, trust your instinct. If you feel uncomfortable in the presence of the hypnotist, you should not let yourself hypnotized.

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