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Severe Social Anxiety

2 Oct

fear fear

Social anxiety disorder is a kind of social phobia in which a person has acute fear of eating, drinking, talking or being watched out in a public place like a gathering. People who suffer from social phobia encounter difficulties when speaking in public, eating and drinking in public, writing in front of others, meeting new people, being the centre of attention, being watched while they do something, using the telephone or even when having to speak to authority figures.

Anxiety is almost entirely compromised of fear. The fear of fear itself. The disorder causes panic attacks, social discomfort, profuse sweating, rapid heart beat and dizziness all of which are connected to fear. A person with generalized anxiety has already made themselves fearful of a situation that never took place. Before they venture out they already have the fear of having a panic attack due to a social interaction.

social phobia

Severe social anxiety is one of the most difficult disorders to overcome. It can literally destroy your life in a matter of months. People do no realize that their is no real treatment to rid yourself of social anxiety, sure there is medication that is available through your family doctor. But how on earth does someone with social phobia get this medication when their number one fear is social interaction? Simple, they can not. So where do they turn?

Most anxiety sufferers are completely lost in this situation and have no clue how to get proper treatment and eventually lapse into depression. The best method which is not as commonly mentioned yet very effective in overcoming severe anxiety is to use email to talk to people. This form of interaction is simple, fast and a very effective way to help ease you into a real social situation. You can even take this method one step further by downloading one of the latest instant chat programs such as MSN Messenger or Yahoo Messenger (both are almost identical) so you can communicate in real time yet avoiding a face to face social conversation.

being watched

Several Ways You Can Cope With Depression and Anxiety

29 Aug

with your

The health concerns linked with depression, anxiety and stress must not be ignored because fatality rates from some of these conditions suggest you need to take action to confront any issues you may have. It is not only your health that is a concern here, since it can also have an effect your relationships and your overall quality of life. Intensified anxiety and worsening health can be the warning signs that this is a problem, since you may have been suffering for some time without even knowing this. There are strategies to prevent depression symptoms from destroying your life and we will now take a look at some of the steps you can take.

The basic step you should take is to realize this is a problem you must address and to understand why this is happening to you. It might be you are concerned about debt, your family or with your job. When you understand what may be causing this, you can begin to look into some solutions which can include obtaining expert help. To illustrate, cash problems are often hard to admit to but may only be solved with outside help and you will often be pleasantly amazed by the sympathetic reaction you can receive. It might also be that pressure from your supervisor is making you wary of going to work every day and if that is the case you may need to look for a way out.

There are ways you can help yourself when you are under extreme stress and anxiety. This can help to alleviate the symptoms of depression until you solve the primary cause. Turning to drink or an unhealthy diet is usually viewed as a quick fix when we are going through a very stressful time. In reality you must consider eating healthily as a way to help your recovery as doing otherwise can simply lead to more distress.

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Relaxation Techniques for Anxiety – 7 Effective Areas

21 Aug

stress hormones

Effective relaxation techniques for anxiety are varied and sometimes based on individual taste. They can be important for maintaining well-being and productivity. Here are seven proven areas to consider.

I. Burn up the excess energy

Anxiety in chemical terms produces stress hormone like cortisol and adrenaline. These can be useful short term to for the extra energy need for fight-or-flight response to a real and imminent danger. But the stress hormones also come at a cost. One can reduce these stress hormones in the body and brain by expending energy in innocuous or productive methods like a fast walk or cleaning around the house or yoga. Aerobic exercise, by the way, can improve mood by increasing endorphines.

II. Distract yourself

As such, burning up stress hormones may not make the anxiety-producing thoughts and circumstances go away. Neither will distractions, though distractions can be a powerful temporary way to stop feeling anxious.

There is a danger here. Distractions can become a form of avoidance behavior. One of the strongest reactions to feelings of anxiety is avoidance. We avoid what we fear. Avoidance tends to strengthen the anxiety over time, whereas embracing and facing one’s anxieties, and especially the symptoms of anxiety, can be empowering.

So distractions must be used carefully. Distractions away from anxiety can be useful especially if the thing toward which one is distracted is healthy, positive, and serves a useful purpose in recovering from anxiety.

A simple example is gratitude. Distracting oneself from anxiety and to a feeling of gratitude has proven to be helpful in improving mood and well-being. Enjoyable and healthy hobbies may serve a similar purpose. So can confronting false negative assumptions and replacing them with realistic and positive thoughts. So often can deliberately slower, deep breathing exercises.

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Natural Treatment for Depression – Is There An Alternative?

11 Jul

natural treatment

Many people who are suffering from mild to moderate

depression, are choosing to either forego drugs entirely,

or to supplement the minimum dosage their doctor will

prescribe, with natural treatment for depression.

This can include a number of lifestyle alterations, and

even herbal treatment for depression. The choices are

entirely up to the patient, who as always, should consult

with their physician before undertaking any regimen on

their own.

One of the first things that Naturopaths will look at for a

client suffering from depression, is dietary deficiencies.

They may ask you to have blood tests that will measure

levels of such things as the B complex vitamins in your

system. These have been identified as some of the vitamins

that figure largely in natural treatment for depression.

Of course, a balanced, healthy diet is of prime importance.

Next, comes vitamin supplements, with an emphasis on those

your body is lacking.

Add to those things, a good exercise program consisting of

at least three “aerobic”, or concentrated sessions of

exercise a week. This can not only reduce stress, but burn

off the adrenalin that comes with anxiety. Exercise

produces natural endorphins as well.

With your doctor‘s approval, you can also try some of the

herbal treatments for depression, but only if they are

aware of what you are taking, in order to check for

natural treatment depression

contraindications against any other medications you might

be on.

St. John’s Wort is the herb cited most frequently for

treatment of depression, but the amount to be taken can

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Massage Therapy Basics

25 Jun

Deep Tissue Massage

What is massage therapy?

Massage therapy is a manipulation of muscles, ligaments, tendons, skin, fascia, and joints in the body. It is a practice that has been around since the beginning of peopledom. In fact, ancient techniques are still employed in today’s modern world.

The benefits of massage are extensive. Not only can it help alleviate pain and aid in physical maladies and day-to-day functioning, but it impacts mental and emotional wellbeing. Relaxation, awareness, anxiety, and depression can all be aided and eased with massage therapy.

Massage boosts the immune system, relaxes and reduces anxiety, alleviates pain, reduces blood pressure and heart rate, stimulates lesser used muscles, increases endorphins, aids physical rehabilitation, and improves circulation (blood and lymph).

There are many different techniques and therapies in the field of massage. Some of these may be familiar to you already, even if you do not know specifically what they entail.

Swedish: Probably the most well known technique, and for good reason; it’s quite popular.

Acupressure is like acupuncture without the needles. Specific points are targeted and pressure applied to create a therapeutic effect.

Aroma Therapy is often used in tandem with other techniques. It consists of using fragrant oils for healing benefits. These oils can be applied to the skin or simply allowed to perfume the air thus allowing those nearby to receive benefits nasally.

Canadian Deep Tissue Massage: A technique that focuses on a muscle group working with the fibers of the muscle tissue to rejuvenate each level of muscle including deep tissue.

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Massage Therapy and Stress Relief

16 May

massage therapy

While the practice of therapeutic massage has been used for centuries in the east, it is a relatively recent phenomenon here in the west. While the wonders of modern medicine have left many awestruck, more and more people are looking towards complimentary therapies and non-invasive treatments for their ailments. Massage therapy has never been as popular as it is today in America.

A number of studies have shown that massage therapy is a highly effective stress reduction technique. An earlier study, conducted by the University of Miami Medical School and published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, suggested that children receiving 30 minutes of therapeutic massage daily were less depressed and anxious than they were at the time of their admittance.

This particular study also observed marked differences in the health and behavior of the children in the test group, over the children in the control group. The nurses taking part in the study also noted that the children were more cooperative, and were able to achieve a higher level of sleep quality. On the biological level, the children in the control group exhibited lower levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) in their saliva and in their urine. It quickly became evident to researchers that massage can play a significant role in stress reduction.

massage therapy

It is highly encouraging that both the medical establishment and the general public are starting to realize the impact that stress can have on an individual’s health and well being. Some physicians and researchers have suggested that stress is responsible for over 75% of all disease in the western world, including skin disorders, high blood pressure, headaches, digestive ailments, muscle pain, and depression. By employing the age-old techniques of massage therapy, there exists the distinct possibility of overcoming these terrible afflictions.

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Lower Your Cholesterol Without Medication – How to Find Balance the Natural Way

21 Mar

will find

The trend for advances in health care tracks in the same footprints as the technological advances through the roaring forties, the rocking fifties, the moon walks of the sixties to the scattering of satellites by the thousands and mobile computers by the millions. It almost takes two strong hands to lift a drug reference handbook.

And yes, there are many drugs and medications designed specifically to control cholesterol levels.

Instant and Easy Cures

But with the level of science and technology at such a high peak, is it a no brainer to simply start taking medication to control your cholesterol? Is it like when you have a headache you take an aspirin (or one of at least a dozen other headache remedies)?

Read the thick, tightly folded warning printed in micro-font found inside most medication containers. Yes, if you get your magnifying glass out, you will find numerous precautions the FDA mandate the drug companies provide for consumer knowledge and protection. The miracle drug for many just might be toxic to some unfortunate few.

Suppose you are on five different prescription drug medications, unwind all those warnings and add them up. Do you now have a clue what they’re going to do to your natural body metabolism? Oh, and by the way, what about the primary purpose for each medication, how do you or your Doctor sort out what effect or how much impact these medications are cures or turn into a cause for a side effect?

Root Causes

your cholesterol

Of course, there is a wide range of causes for your cholesterol being out of kilter. A qualified Doctor should determine if your particular cause for having high cholesterol merits a medication. Some people seemingly do all the right things and still have a cholesterol problem. This can happen as a result of being in a family with a hereditary tendency for their body to produce too much bad cholesterol.

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