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Seek Relief in Massage Therapy

29 Jul

alternative medicine

Scientific research is still ongoing to find out the solid proof to back up the benefits of massage therapy. While there are numerous claims of its benefits, the scientific and methodical support like its effects and improvement on one’s health need specific answers. But this setback can not hinder the curiosity of many individuals to seek the remedies offered by massage therapy. Its popular soothing effect has brought massage therapy at its all time popularity around the world among many people. Its acceptance is not only based on being known as an alternative medicine but likewise a relaxing and relieving experience that one derive after every session.

Presently, massage therapy has more than eight types as practice around the world. This popular alternative medicine and great body stress reliever is traced to have originated in some Arabian nations, Japan, Greece, and China a thousand years back. This practice was later adopted all over the world until this time and is now enjoyed and many have benefited from it.

As previously stated herein, while scientists continue to look for evidences regarding its health benefits, parallel researchers have discovered that massage therapy at some stages have proven to be an effective alternative medicine. There are instances that it complements traditional medical approaches. It is effective in reducing and maintaining blood pressure and heart beat rate. It relieves pain, mental depressions and treats anxiety.

around world

Numerous patients who are regular massage therapy session attendees have consistently informed researchers that after each session, they felt relieved of their body pain that was either reduced or vanished. There are likewise unconfirmed reports that some studies are claiming that some cancer patients who have undergone massage therapy sessions have felt a great relief from pain after their session with their massage therapist.

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Reliable Ways to Get Rid of Piles Fast

18 Jun

fiber help

Piles (Hemorrhoids) are one of those personal problems most people have experienced but no one wants to talk about. Well, talk about them or not, one thing is very clear: You shouldn’t ignore them. All sufferers want to get rid of piles fast so here are some tips to help you deal effectively with the problem and hopefully ease your suffering once and for all.

Be careful with laxatives:

If you have hemorrhoid problems, use laxatives sparingly. Laxatives can be vital in dealing with isolated instances of constipation, and I know that the painful experience of passing stools can motivate you to use laxatives to make bowel movements easier, but if you rely on them regularly you can do yourself harm. You might be masking the true status of your digestive processes and cannot tell if you need to make dietary adjustments.

A warm soak can be just the ticket for relieving your hemorrhoid pains. Running a shallow bath of warm – not hot – water and sitting in it will reduce the painful swelling of your hemorrhoids and improve circulation in the area. You can repeat this treatment as often as is practical. This will also aid with personal cleanliness which is vital in your hemorrhoid treatment at home.

Avoid straining in the restroom:

Never force yourself to use the restroom. One of the main causes of piles is straining when you are attempting to have a bowel movement. This should happen naturally and within a few minutes of feeling the need to go. A little exercise or just walking around should help your body produce that urge to go.

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Lower Your Risk of Colon Cancer With the Right Fat

21 May

dairy foods

A high intake of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is a kind of fat found naturally in cow’s milk, significantly lowers risk of bowel cancer, according to a new study.

60,000 Women Over 15 Years

Middle-aged women who reported having the highest intake of CLA during the late ’80s were about 30 percent less likely to have developed bowel cancer within the following 15 years. Data from over 60,000 women were analyzed.

Even further, those who ate at least four servings of high-fat dairy foods each day had a 41 percent lower risk of bowel cancer than those who ate less than one. Each increment of two servings of dairy products equaled a 13 percent reduction in a woman’s colon cancer risk.

Increases Some Risks, Decreases Others

Milk-based products have been linked to increased risk of other cancers, such as breast cancer and prostate cancer, but both milk and calcium have been associated with a lower bowel cancer risk in several previous studies.

Current research has usually focused on calcium as the potential mechanism for this. Few if any other studies have evaluated the role of CLA.

Bowel cancer is the third most common form of the disease worldwide.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition October 2005; 82(4): 894-900 Food Navigator October 10, 2005

Dr. Mercola’s Comment:You may recall that cancer, NOT heart disease, is now America’s top killer.In my book, any natural strategy that cuts your risk of the top killer by half is worth looking into more seriously.

CLA is one such potent cancer-fighter, for as little as 0.5 percent in your daily diet could reduceyour risk of colon cancerby more than 50 percent.

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Lower Your Risk of Colon Cancer Naturally

14 Apr

curcumin resveratrol

While conventional medicine has made strides in treating colon cancer, the real goal is prevention and there is growing evidence that colon health may be promoted safely, effectively and naturally, using nutritional supplements.

Polyphenols, Plant-Based Anticancer Nutrients

Among the largest groups of plant-based nutrients with strong evidence of cancer-fighting potential is the polyphenol family. It includes the nutritional sub-groups tannins and flavonoids,which can slow, reverse or prevent cancer growth. The clinical evidence supporting polyphenols’ cancer-preventive power is considerable–and growing rapidly.These compounds are found in berries, tea, grapes/wine, olive oil, chocolate/cocoa, walnuts, and most other fruits and vegetables.

Here are a few of the polyphenol family’s most powerful members:


Recently, has emerged as a leading cancer fighter.  Its nutritional profile includes antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin ranks among the polyphenols capable of disrupting a cancer that has started to develop and slow or stop tumor growth by apoptosis (cell destruction) and angiogenesis which limits blood vessel growth that tumors need to spread. Studies have shown that curcumin suppressed tumor growth in lab cultures better than a known chemo drug and with no toxicity.

Recently, it was discovered that a combination of curcumin and another anti-inflammatory polyphenol called quercetin (see below) could cause precancerous polyps to diminish substantially.

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