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Seven Ways To Reduce Your Risk From Hypertension

2 Jul

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Hypertension (high blood pressure) can lead to other serious health problems or even death.

Hypertension has been called “the silent killer” for two reasons. First, it is silent

since it has no specific symptoms. Secondly, it is a killer.

High Blood pressure(defined as more than 140/90mmHG) is a very common problem that affects about 50 million people in the United States alone. The British Heart Foundation reports that approximately 41% of men and 33% of women either have raised blood pressure or are being treated for raised blood pressure. The prevalence of high blood pressure increases with age in both men and women. Around 80% of men and 70% of women with high blood pressure are not receiving treatment.

People who have hypertension that is not treated are much more likely to die from, or be disabled by, cardiovascular complications such as strokes, heart attacks, heart failure, heart rhythm irregularities, and kidney failure, than people who have normal blood pressure.

Are You At Risk?

Risk factors are conditions that increase your personal risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Some of these factors, most notably, your sex, your heredity (a family history of cardiovascular disease), and your age are not under your control, but other risk factors most certainly are under your influence.

Here are seven ways to reduce your risk from the “Silent Killer.”

Take a walk. Take a brisk 30 minute walk everyday. Think you don’t have the time for a 30 minute walk each day? How will you ever find the time for the months of convalescence that heart attacks and strokes require? Check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.

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Natural Treatment for Hypertension-HBP, High Blood Pressure

29 May

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We are leaving in crowd environment surrounded by people and each of them live his own life, and have his own story… Some of them are happy and optimistic and others sad and I wouldn’t say pessimistic but more realistic, some times it seems like even too realistic for me. Each of those stories may influent or affects our lives in different ways. Happy stories influent us less than the sad ones which have more powerful impact on us.

It turns out that illnesses and diseases influent our lives more than other causes since they alter lives; they cause to significant changes and claim the precious cost…

High blood pressure or Hypertension (HBP), known also as the “Silent Killer”, because of the silent nature of the disease affects the lives of millions of people and become to one of the most dangerous diseases in modern world. In most cases, as the American Heart Association claims, “high blood pressure is not a disease of separate identity but usually appears as symptom of other disease, and in most cases of high blood pressure there is no one identifiable cause”.

Statistics of disease are terrifying: it claims a new victim every 35 seconds and the cardiovascular disease kills almost 2500 Americans each day by heart attacks, stroke, kidney or heart failures…

When it doesn’t kills it does cause irreversible damages to the body organs; to brain, heart, kidneys, eyes, causes to various vascular diseases.

Controlling and normalizing the blood pressure and keeping it close to the normal range is easily done by modern “wonder pills and drugs”. There is a wealth of the prescription medications that High blood sufferer may utilize to treat Hypertension: kind of blockers, diuretics, vasodilators, inhibitors… They are very effective to maintain blood pressure, to lower it and keep it down.

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Lower Your Blood Pressure by Practicing Yoga

16 Apr

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If you didn’t know by now, yoga asanas can help you in the treatment of high blood pressure, and help you lower blood pressure. Yoga asanas make stable your blood pressure, so lower blood pressure when it’s abnormaly high. Asanas have favorable effects on the nervous system. By practicing certain yoga asanas you can not only lower your blood pressure, but also reduce the effects of hypertension on the other organs of the body.

There are a few categories of asanas which are recommended to lower blood pressure: forward bends, sitting, supine and inversions group.

Forward bends have the best effects on high blood pressure, so they can help you the most to lower your blood pressure. These exercises have a calming effect on the brain, the blood circulation to the brain is normalized, and they help you reduce the stress from the sense organs, things that lower blood pressure. So, the brain, the sympathetic nervous system and the sense organs are relaxed, the cardiac output and the pulse rate decelerate at the same time, and blood pressure stabilizes, so it lowers blood pressure when it’s high. Other asanas which have beneficial effects on the nervous system and help you lower blood pressure are Uttanasana and Adhomukha Svanasana , which have to be practiced with the head resting on props, so the blood circulates more freely into the aortic arch. These help you lower blood pressure.

help lower

Baddhakonasana and Virasana are some of the sitting asanas which can be practiced in order to get a lower blood pressure by the hypertensives , which in most cases are hard breathing. These poses eliminate the tension from the ribs and the intercostal muscles, so they help you to breathe with no difficulty, and lower blood pressure.

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