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Relief For Anxiety Can Happen In A Moment

12 Nov

relief anxiety

When you know the suffering of endless anxiety, and anxiety disorders, seeking relief for anxiety comes to be a way of life.

We often seek relief through destructive behaviors, without being fully conscious of our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Whether aimed at ourselves, or others, the symptoms and behavior goes on and on, with relief no where in sight.

Drugs for anxiety, and anxiety disorders top the list of prescription drugs around the world. Ordinary people, with out of the ordinary fears, seeking relief for anxiety is becoming more and more common in modern society.

Most people suffer for years before seeking help, and more often than not they finally get help through prescription drugs from a family physician.

But whether you are taking medication for anxiety or not, everyone benefits from the positive results of natural cures for anxiety.

Believe it or not, just knowing what foods to eat, and what food and drinks to avoid, will prove to be a great help for many people that suffer through all sorts of anxiety.

Becoming aware that caffeine and sugar might be fraying your nerves to the point of panic attacks, could change your entire life.

Real, and permanent, relief for anxiety will come for most anxiety disorders as simple methods and techniques are learned, and used, to dismiss fears, worries, and feelings from their everyday thoughts and innermost self.

When you find permanent relief for anxiety that reaches to the very core of the cause with natural remedies, you find a sustainable peace that affects all life situations.

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Relaxation Techniques For Anxiety – Music

23 Oct

anxiety that

If you are constantly distressed or anxious and the stress seems to be taking over your life, then you should seek help instantly. Although anxiety is actually, on an emotional level and emotionally incapacitating for anyone, there a few relaxation techniques for anxiety which will help fight the in your life. If you want to once again practical knowledge joy in your life, then you need to consider trying these relaxation techniques for anxiety.

Although it is advised that you seek advice from your doctor prior to trying remedies to fight your anxiety issues, there are a few relaxation techniques for anxiety that can be used by anyone. One of the most common methods used is relaxation, and it is very successful in fighting anxiety. Arbitration requires directing all your depressive and negativity and ideas into something enjoyable and positive. To be able to get the best results from mediation, you need to select a position that is suitable for the act. It is best that you select a basic position for relaxation, so that you will be able to collect your ideas without having any disruptions.

Music therapy is another successful one of the relaxation techniques for anxiety. Everyone loves enjoying popular music, and it has been proven that enjoying popular music is very helpful in reducing anxiety. Relaxing popular music is very successful in soothing your worn out nerve fibres and allowing you to chill out. Additionally, there is a variety of leisure popular music available on the market, which is specifically for assisting persons to relax and fighting anxiety. As a result of the enhancements in technology, you are now able to obtain some of the best leisure popular music from the Internet, if you want to reduce the anxiety that you practical knowledge.

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Relaxation Techniques to Get Through a Panic Attack

20 Oct

Many people

Panic attack is a period when a person gets temporarily disabled with a sense of extreme fear and or psychological distress. Such attacks are often abrupt and the onset is usually without any warning. This can be result of any phobia and even the fear of future attack is another reason to trigger the attack. Women are more prone to such an attack which is normally twice as compared to men. It has been seen that such attacks can occur even with simple imagination of some fear. People who have phobia of height, water or even travelling by air can also get such attacks.

Though it is simply a temporary feeling but panic attacks make situation worst for the sufferer as he/she feels embarrassed after the panic attack is over. Such attacks normally last for ten minutes to half an hour and the person feels entangled in a fight and flight response. Such a situation stimulates body to secrete the adrenaline which reaches its peak in about three minutes; the result is choking, palpitation, chest pain, sweating, nausea, dizziness, trembling and tingling sensation.

Many people who suffer from panic attacks for the first time, think the death is imminent, such a situation makes situation even worse. People temporarily withdraw themselves from the surroundings and feel change in their attitude. They become even more irritable and do not listen to any body. It is the feeling which probably cannot be described. Many people who have suffered from attacks feel it to be the frightening experience of their lives.

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Relaxation Techniques For Social Disorder And Anxiety

22 Sep

particular technique

The most common symptoms of a social disorder are trepidation and nervousness. It is imperative that we learn the depth of this disorder, but more importantly, the aim should be to figure out just how to support you through it. In our effort to offer you the help you need, we give you some relaxation techniques for anxiety.

Firstly, there is the Jacobson’s Progressive Relaxation (PMR) technique. It was developed in the earlier part of the 1920s by Edmund Jacobson, a physician from the United States. The main principle of this technique speaks to the fact that muscle tension usually go along with anxiety. As such, once you have learnt how to relax your muscles, you will automatically diminish your anxiety. With this technique, you are in a stress-free setting where you engage in deep meditation. You are psychologically concentrating on separate muscles, body parts or muscle groups and methodically trying to relax each of them one at a time. Aptly named body scanning, this technique effectively helps to relax your muscles either before or after somatic exercises. This is usually done in five to ten minutes, beginning with one time a day, and then doing it as is necessary. You can tape the instructions to help you along.

relax your muscles

There is also Autogenic Training; which was created by Johannes Schultz, the psychiatrist from out of Germany. A little more complex than PMR, but has the same basic mechanisms. There are 6 regular exercises using optical imagery. These exercises leave your body in a calm, warm, heavy mode. The aim is to be aware of one’s body and use visual imagery to get you into a relaxed state of being. This particular technique takes anywhere from 4 to 6 months to be able to perfectly execute. It should be done in 5 to 10 minute stints numerous times a day. This may call for instructions from a trained therapist, but can be done via taped directives.

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Relaxation Is Necessary for a Healthy Mind and Body

11 Sep

many people

For some reason, many people, when they think about How to be healthy, don’t consider relaxation as part of the process.

The truth is that relaxing has both physical and mental health benefits that cannot be overlooked.

In fact, studies conducted at Harvard Medical School and other prestigious research schools have shown that relaxation helps your genes that focus on disease fighting to be more active!

What’s more, studies also show that using relaxation techniques reduces stress, which simply makes for a happier and healthier mind overall.

There are several different techniques that you can use to relax. Stretching is an excellent way to relax the body.

Many people use Yoga for relaxation and a general feeling of wellness.

Yoga can be used as a form of exercise, but it’s primary goal is to help you find a connection between mind and body.

Meditation is another way to achieve relaxation.

Meditation is a relaxation technique that teaches you how to focus your mind and literally be in the moment.

Once you learn how to properly meditate, you can use meditation to relieve stress and anxiety, which will help you to relax.

Listening to music or nature noises is another effective way to achieve relaxation. Many people find it difficult to simply sit and relax and this additional ambiance can help them to relax and feel better.

until your

Progressive muscle relaxation is something that works for many people.

This is a process by which you focus on each muscle group by tightening or flexing the muscle for five seconds and then releasing it. You should start at your toes and work your way up the body or start with your head and work your way down. You repeat this process until your body is completely relaxed.

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Relaxation Help – What Causes Relaxation?

7 Aug

feelings this

Anxiety attacks, panic attacks and anxiety disorder all set traps for its victims. The reason for this is anxiety and even simple nervousness, is brought on by the flight or fight syndrome and they bring with them feelings that are disturbing enough to cause people to try to escape from them. Escaping from anything means fighting with it or running away from it. In other words, fight or flight. As you can see, this is counterproductive because anxiety intensifies as we try to fight it or run away from it.

Everyone experiences nervousness to some degree and most people experience anxiety of some type. However, if we try to flee from the feelings this anxiety brings to us we only help its fires to burn hotter. By the same token, the more we wrestle with it in an attempt to make it subside the more we also intensify the feelings anxiety brings on. Therefore, recognizing nervousness and anxiety and then trying to avoid them is a prescription for more anxiety and more nervousness.

Many people find help by simply doing their best to ignore any symptom brought on by anxiety or nervousness and concentrating on the feelings which are brought on by relaxation. For this reason, it is very helpful to use simple relaxation techniques periodically. Then when you get yourself to the point where you are engulfed in relaxation, you will have experienced relaxation and can recall the feelings this relaxation has brought to you anytime you wish.

By doing this you no longer are fighting with anxiety. Thus, you will not be causing it to intensify. Instead, you will be using the positive reinforcement of relaxation to stop the cycle that intensifies nervousness.

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Natural Treatment of Hyperthyroidism

18 Jul

permanent treatment

Treatment for hyperthyroidism is undertaken in the form of a process. There is the need for suppressive thyrostatics medication initially and then later and more permanent treatment like surgery or radioisotope surgery. These courses of treatment may lead to a deficit in the functioning of the thyroid, which can be counterbalanced with a supplementation of levothyroxine.

Temporary medical therapy includes the use of drugs that check the production levels of thyroid hormones. These drugs are called thyrostatics of which carbimazole and methimazole are the two most widely pronounced. However a third option should be made possible and patients can use propylthiouracil. The drugs use thyroperoxidase to inhibit the iodination of thyroglobulin. Large doses of thyrostatics can lead to symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Beta-blockers are also a type of drug that do not necessarily treat but mask the given symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Symptoms such as fatigue, palpitations, anxiety and stress can be cleared with this type of drug. Metoprolol and propranolol are used extensively to treat hyperthyroid patients.

Surgery and radioisotope therapy are the methods for permanent treatment of hyperthyroidism. Even though radioisotope therapy is less invasive, surgery may still be required where there is an inflammation of the thyroid gland, compressing the neck area, or the root cause of the condition may be malignant in nature.

Surgery, in most cases of hyperthyroidism is not necessary because the same can be treated effectively with radioisotope therapy. Some patients suffering with Graves’ disease however may not tolerate medicines and hence refuse radioiodine and choose surgery instead. Many surgeons think that radioiodine treatment may be unsafe for patients with extraordinarily large glands, or for those whose eyes have started to protrude from their sockets, and hence a large dose of iodide may only aggravate the patient’s symptoms. The surgical procedure is rather safe and there are surgeons who conduct partial thyroidectomies for out-patients as well.

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Natural Treatment for Panic Attack Disorder

27 Jun

actually more

A neurological or psychological condition that is manifested by extreme or intense fear and terror is known as a panic attack disorder, which is quite common among adults and children alike. Most advanced cases are severe enough that it actually affects the day to day life of the sufferer. Although many of the panic disorder cases are easily treated by anti anxiety and anti depressant medications, some people do believe in the effects of natural treatment for disorders. Proper diet, regular exercise, and behavior modification therapy are just some of the natural treatments that can have serious positive effects for people with anxiety attack disorders.

If you wish to treat these disorders naturally, the first thing you need to do is ask a health care professional regarding the methods involved in behavior modification therapies. These types of therapies can be very effective in battling the disorder. CBT, or cognitive behavior therapy, is probably among the most effective form of behavior modification therapy in dealing with panic problems, simply because the main goal of the therapy itself is to seek the underlying causes of the panic attacks and then attempts to modify or change those behaviors and undesirable responses with more acceptable substitutes. This form of natural treatment is actually more common than one might think.

Another form of therapy that you should familiarize yourself with is interceptive exposure therapy. This form of therapy attempts to trigger the symptoms of the panic attack in order for the therapist to demonstrate to the sufferer that no harm will come to him or her. After all, the best way to deal with your fears or anxieties is to face them, don’t you think? Although this form of therapy can be quite risky at times to some individuals, especially those who manifest severe symptoms, it has been proven to be quite effective in treating panic problem in a natural manner.

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Massage Therapy Certification Survival Guide

23 May

study guide

Every graduating massage therapy student when coming out of massage therapy school, still has to take their national certification exam in order to get their massage therapy license. This may sound like an easy thing, but you would not believe how many students simply don’t pass their exam. Not passing their exam the first time, causes needless unnecessary expense, needless frustration and anxiety, and needless prolonging putting off getting your massage license and practicing massage therapy. Speaking from experience, and seeing so many others struggling with this ordeal, I want to give some easy, common sense advice that will hopefully help those needing to take either their MBLEx, NCETM, or NCETMB certification test.

First of all, don’t think you can just waltz into the testing center without any preparation and think you will pass. Chances are you won’t and the odds of that happening are very much against you. Secondly, always prepare before taking any exam, especially your certification exams. Always refresh your memory, go back and review what you learned in massage therapy school. If by some chance you don’t do well preparing that way, get a tutor, a friend, someone or something that will help you prepare. Also, many students have been out of school for a while and this is where most graduates make the mistake. They wait to late to take the test while the information is fresh in their brains and then thing they can pass the exam after being out of school for 6 months or longer. That simply won’t happen, I guarantee it. You must prepare to pass the exam.

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Massage Therapy – Healing Your Skin Through Massage Therapy

22 Apr

collagen fibers

The largest organ in the human body is our skin. Scientifically, skin is known as the integumentary system. We don’t generally pay a lot of attention to our skin, despite its size; but it is truly a phenomenal design. An average persons skin is about 1 to 2 square meters and weighs anywhere from 9 to 11 pounds. There are three layers of skin: the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. Massage therapy has its benefits for all three.

The outer layer of skin, which communicates directly with our environment, is the epidermis. The epidermis serves as a protective layer and aids in temperature regulation. Skin can be thick or thin, depending on where it is located. Human touch was proven to be of significant value during the war, when the mortality rate of infants receiving human touch was found to be much lower than that of infants deprived of human touch.

Going just beneath the surface we find the dermis, which is actually made up of two layers, the papillary and reticular layers. Immediately below the epidermis one finds a loosely woven mat of elastin and collagen fibers called the papillary layer. About 80% of skins thickness comes from the deep reticular layer, which is found directly beneath the papillary mat. The reticular layer is a dense layer of irregular connective tissue containing thick bundles of interlacing collagen fibers. Fibers run along many planes however most of the fibers are found running parallel to the skin’s surface. The dermis’ reticular layer is home to capillaries, nerve endings, touch receptors, glands, veins, arteries, and hair. Massage therapy, whether a special treat or a regular part of your life, is known to promote healthy gland activity, and aids the body in toxin removal.

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