Archive | March, 2015

Seventeen Day Diet Review

20 Mar

this diet

When it first aired on popular television shows in November of 2010, the seventeen day diet quickly gained popularity and that made it one of the most popular diets in 2011. To this day, this plan still continues to gain attention amongst weight loss goers. The review you’ll find here reveals things you may/may not have known about this diet.

If you want to know how this diet works, here is the quick explanation: Metabolic confusion, a dieting trick that makes your body raise it’s metabolism levels and increase fat burning. This is the real secret to the seventeen day diet. Metabolic confusion is achieved through changing how you eat every certain period. But how does that happen with this diet?

Simple: For 4 periods, every 17 days, you’ll change how you eat. In other words, for 17 days, you eat a specific meal plan, according to the seventeen day diet. Then after 17 days, you switch to a new meal plan and do that for another 17 days. This continues until you have done this 4 consecutive times.

Though most people think this diet is 17 days long, the truth is it’s actually 68 days long. There are 4 cycles to this diet, each 17 days as mentioned earlier and the reason being is that based on the theory of this diet, every 17 days, your body resets it’s metabolism and if you change from one meal plan to another every 17 days, you’ll confuse it, thus causing metabolic confusion to occur, and in turn weight loss.

weight loss

Now this doesn’t mean that once every 17 days you’ll lose weight, that’s just not true. You will lose weight while being on a cycle and although weight loss results vary, the biggest weight loss results occur when you change to a new meal and make metabolic confusion occur.

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Seven Ways to Feeling Younger While Going Though Menopause

16 Mar

lots lots

Baby Boomers and Gen X’ers will not be the “on to greener pastures” personalities. You, Ladies, will be the ones that fight everyday to stay health and happy and connected. We are seriously not dead yet!

You have decided that now is the time to take back the control of your life, your happiness, your strength, your dreams. Good for you, and we will be there for you in every way possible.

Besides fighting to keep our figure after or during “The Change”

there are ways we can still keep our edge. This allows other people dealing with us on a sporadic or daily basis to look up to us instead of though us. Let’s examine;

The 7 secret tips to keep us staying younger

1) Exercise. The old adage that you need to” move it or loose it” still holds true. If we don’t bend and stretch and lift and walk, our bodies will not be able to do so on command. Remember, this is our transportation for the next 30-50 years, so schedule maintenance on it.

2) Trade in and learn a new phone every year or every year and one half. Not only will you be proud of yourself for learning all about the new upgrades, but you will be thrilled to know how to use them. This lesson is good for not falling behind in this quickly changing technology environment.

3) Try a new hair style or color. If you have had the same hair stylist for years and years, it might be time to ask around and see who other people recommend. Go in for a consult with a different stylist, be open minded, ask what they would do, tip them. You can then either book an appointment or interview someone else.

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Selecting an Autism Diet A Review of Popular Approaches

12 Mar

autism diet

Art therapy may be an ideal way to develop social skills, but an autism diet may also be another form of effective treatment. Art therapy is a form of expressive therapy, and like expressive therapy, when it comes to food control, there is more than one type of diet that can be used to treat autism.

Many health practitioners believe that an autism diet may be beneficial treatment. The reason is because most autistics have distorted immune response which causes their body to respond abnormally to certain types of food, viruses and toxins. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for many autistics to suffer from gastrointestinal inflammation and other intestinal disorders. It is thought that these intestinal problems might decrease the body’s ability to absorb specific essential nutrients. Thus, by following a diet and other alternative treatment methods, certain abilities and overall health may be improved in an autistic individual.

The following are 4 autism diets you may want to consider –

Gluten and Casein Free Diet

Gluten and Casein are both proteins found in many foods which some autistics have a hard time digesting. Gluten occurs in wheat, oat and rye products, while casein is found in human milk, cow milk and many other dairy products. Both of these proteins are also in the ingredients of many medications.

Research has discovered that abnormally high level of specific peptides related to gluten and casein have been found in the urine of autistic children. This could mean that these proteins are not being effectively broken down into amino acids, and this over-absorption of peptide can actually affect brain function. Thus, by removing gluten and casein from the autism diet, this will prevent further gastrointestinal and neurological damage from occurring.

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Seeking Out Acupuncture for Fertility

9 Mar

acupuncture fertility

When one is going to be embarking on the journey of conceiving a child, they must keep in mind the potential difficulties of doing so. While it is easy for some to get pregnant, it can be very difficult for others, and when one begins to try, they must not expect anything to happen immediately. If after a few months, you and your partner notice you are having difficulty conceiving, you ought to seek out the input of a physician, one who can evaluate the fertility of you and your partner both. Once those results are in, a physician will be able to explain whether or not you should begin to seek out some methods of helping one’s odds for a successful conception. At such a point, one may want to consider acupuncture for fertility.

Now, acupuncture for fertility might not sound like the most familiar option on the market, but rest assured that it is growing in popularity and for good reason.

In recent studies, women trying to conceive who received acupuncture for fertility were more likely to have a successful conception than woman trying without the aid of acupuncture.

Additionally, the difference in cost between acupuncture and medical treatments is astounding.

A dozen treatments of acupuncture might break a thousand dollars, but a single set of fertility drugs can run a person upwards of ten thousand dollars, and neither have guaranteed results by any measure.

thousand dollars

Many will concede to the idea of using a change in diet, and while that may be helpful, one should not be reliant on this kind of change up. After all, when was the last time any one ever stuck to a diet for an extended period of time? The body has very common impulses to get after what it has not had in some time, and so if you are thinking about a diet change, at least consider coupling your efforts with another kind of alternative.

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Relief For A Bloated Stomach

4 Mar

help break

While many of us like to blame the lowly bean for our bloated stomach problems, in reality it is our heavy reliance on processed fast foods that really causes most of us to feel both bloated and sluggish. Instead of blaming the beans, you should instead be looking at other aspects of your diet and examine if you are consuming the right kinds of foods together in order to more efficiently metabolize and digest them.

It is all about the digestive enzymes

In all actuality, beans and other gassy culprits such as broccoli are high in dietary fiber and can actually help relieve gas provided that you eat them with foods that contain the right type of digestive enzymes to help break them down. For every major type of substrate (i.e. proteins, fats, carbohydrates, cellulose) there is a digestive enzyme needed to break it down. In the case of beans to also eat foods that are high in cellulose to help break down the fiber as well as proteases and peptides in order to break down their protein content. Cellulases can be found in raw whole foods while proteases and peptides are readily available in whole grains as well as tropical fruits like pineapple and papaya.

But enough about beans, digestive enzymes are needed to help your digestive system take on just about everything you consume. Along with cellulases to break down fiber, proteases and peptides to break down proteins, you are also going to need lipases to help break down fats, carbohydrases to help break down carbs and nucleases to help digest nucleic acids. Making sure that you are getting all of these digestive enzymes will help ensure proper digestion and eliminate gas and bloating.

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Relief and Preventive Remedies for Acid Reflux Disease

2 Mar

acid reflux

Do you always feel a burning sensation on the area near your chest especially after a meal? If you do so, you might have acid reflux disease. This disease, also called heartburn, is the flowing back of the stomach acid upwards to the esophagus and sometimes to the mouth. Nearly every American adult experiences this acid reflux.

The general cause of reflux disease is the person’s lifestyle and diet. The obese population regularly experiences the acid reflux. The same happens with smokers and alcohol drinkers. That is due to the kind of food and lifestyle they have.

Fatty foods play a large part in the development of this disease. Fats are very difficult to digest and therefore they contribute to the delay of gastric emptying, making the person more at risk to experience an acid reflux.

Smoking and alcohol both have properties that trigger the stomach to produce higher amounts of gastric acid. Moreover, both cigarette and alcohol relax the lower esophageal sphincter which prevents the gastric acid backflow from the stomach to the esophagus. If you are a smoker and an alcohol drinker, acid reflux disease is without a doubt, an impending condition to occur.

Aside from smoking, alcohol and fatty foods, drugs and other types of foods also trigger increased acid production and relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter. But make no worries because there are drugs and natural remedies that can give you relief for the pain of acid reflux disease.

Lifestyle and Diet Modifications and Natural Remedies

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