Archive | November, 2014

Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis

26 Nov

countries that

The Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis is very simple, but first we need to understand the cause of Osteoporosis. It is a condition caused by diet and lifestyle and therefore is completely reversible.

There is so much disinformation out there and the biggest one, is to consume more dairy for the calcium. Dairy is certainly a major contributor to Osteoporosis and for anyone who refutes this, we just have to look at the statistics for the countries that have the highest rates of Osteoporosis and we will see that they are also the countries that are the largest consumers of dairy. Even in Africa, Kenyans have the largest consumption of dairy, and they also have the highest rates of Osteoporosis.

The reason dairy doesn’t help and in fact harms is because it is acidic and the calcium is mostly non-absorbable by the body. Our body works on a very specific acid-alkaline balance with our blood staying slightly alkaline at 7.365. When we ingest acidic foods such as dairy, meat, anything processed, coffee, alcohol or carbonated soft drinks then calcium is leached from the bones to protect the vital organs and keep our body in an alkaline state. This of course makes the bones brittle and weak through the lack of calcium and other vital minerals. Incidentally Calcium is an alkaline mineral.

have highest rates

So the natural treatment for Osteoporosis is to inget mineral rich foods and drinks. Think fruits and vegetables with the most alkaline being the leafy greens, broccoli, avocado, and of the nut family the Almond is calcium rich and also alkalising, and of the seed family, the sesame seed is richest in calcium and Tahini makes a great sesame seed spread. Lemon squeezed into water makes a good refreshing alkalising drink, and even though a lemon is a citric acid, it converts to alkaline when mixed with saliva.

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Pilates Exercise Ball – Fun and Effective Workouts

21 Nov

Pilates ball

A fun piece of Pilates equipment is the Pilates exercise ball. Pilates have been a popular way to increase fitness for million of people. Pilates was created to strengthen tone and balance the body with out a lot of bulk. Pilates combines breathing techniques and strength training movements to target deep muscles in your core. With many different routines to choose from, Pilates have many wellness benefits.

Many Pilates videos can show you how to use the exercise balls properly. There is a variety of exercises that can be done with the Pilates ball. Balancing and strengthening exercise are a focal point when using the Pilates ball.

The exercise ball should be firm but soft enough to have a little give to it. The ball size should be proportionate to your height. Your legs should be able to rest at a 90-degree angle. A good way to start using your Pilates ball is to get a good stretch. Lie over the ball and stay in that position while you focus on breathing and balance.

Pilates ball

Another basic Pilates exercise are knee folds. To perform the knee folds, sit up straight with your shoulders and hips aligned. Keep your legs and feet parallel to each, opening them as wide as your hips. Your abs should be engaged or contracted and your spine perpendicular to the floor. Relax and roll your shoulder blades. Stretch out your arms straight out from your shoulders. Slowly lift one foot off the floor, with the rest of your body balanced and still. Switch legs, using controlled movements. Repeat this exercise five times each side.

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Seeking Asthma Relief – The Role Of Antibiotics In Causing Asthma And Allergies

20 Nov

caused frequent

For the past forty years baby boomers and their children were given antibiotics on a regular basis to treat infections. This overuse has resulted in very dangerous resistance to superbugs that we’ve all read about in the news. You probably are aware now that infectious microorganisms and fungi that were once treatable have become much stronger and even deadly because they have mutated into hardy or resistant strains due to the use of antibiotics. However, what many people and even your own doctor may not be aware of is that antibiotic use also results in an overgrowth of yeast and fungus in the intestinal tract.

Eventually if this is not treated properly it can become systemic, meaning that it invades all systems of the body. This yeast or fungus overgrowth contributes to a lowering of the immune system where cancers and other pathogen overgrowths can develop. Patients looking for asthma relief would benefit by knowing that diseases like asthma and allergies are a result of yeast and fungus overgrowth or candida in the intestinal tract caused by frequent antibiotic use.

1. The symptoms of a yeast overgrowth problem can include:

2. Fatigue and foggy thinking.

3. Cravings for sugar or bread or any foods that contain yeast

4. Bloated abdomen, gas or abdominal pain.

5. Unable to lose weight

6. Vaginal, genital infection or itchy rashes.

7. A white coating on the tongue.

caused frequent

8. Sinus infections.

9. Loss of energy.

Other diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome and Chrohn’s disease have been shown to be caused by frequent antibiotics use. In addition, studies have shown that antibiotics have also been linked to the development of allergies, hayfever and asthma in children. Medical associations in North America, the United Kingdom, and Australia are aware of this but surprisingly many people and their doctors do not seem to be educated in this regard. Despite the superbug problem, antibiotics still seem to be asked for by patients and prescribed too often by their doctors. Boosting the immune system by eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise and adequate rest is often all that is needed to fight or prevent infections. If antibiotics are necessary, many patients are not made aware of the risks and more importantly what to do about them.

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Reliable Ways to Quit Smoking – Acupuncture and Hypnosis Analysis

18 Nov

life which

If you look or you browse around today you will discover much have been said about the reasonable approach to stop smoking. Smoking is a way of life which is difficult to put to end to. If survey is carried out you will discover that people that find themselves in this act really want to say goodbye to it because it has been established that it is going to have negative effect on their health and the way of life at the long run. In view of this, a better approach is presented in this article. I hope you will enjoy it.

First on the list is Hypnosis. Hypnosis is probably one of the most popular and works for many people who want to choose a life which is smoke free. First of all, there are people who cannot be hypnotized, because they can’t be put into a hypnotic trance. This happens very frequently, which means that you can’t trust hypnosis to solve your smoking problem with 100% efficiency. The unconscious mind is very subtle and sensitive to impressions and suggestions. If the hypnotist does not know what he/she is doing, or the procedure is faulty, all sorts of information can reach to your unconscious, voluntarily or involuntarily induced by hypnosis.

will discover

Some people have complained of false memories after hypnosis. In fact, they were not even aware that their memories were changed but for their family and friends who took notice of the discrepancy. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to do a bit of research on the hypnotist’s background, find out what work experience he/she has and what education. Moreover, ask for references and recommendations from former clients. And last but not least, trust your instinct. If you feel uncomfortable in the presence of the hypnotist, you should not let yourself hypnotized.

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Relief For Anxiety Can Happen In A Moment

12 Nov

relief anxiety

When you know the suffering of endless anxiety, and anxiety disorders, seeking relief for anxiety comes to be a way of life.

We often seek relief through destructive behaviors, without being fully conscious of our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Whether aimed at ourselves, or others, the symptoms and behavior goes on and on, with relief no where in sight.

Drugs for anxiety, and anxiety disorders top the list of prescription drugs around the world. Ordinary people, with out of the ordinary fears, seeking relief for anxiety is becoming more and more common in modern society.

Most people suffer for years before seeking help, and more often than not they finally get help through prescription drugs from a family physician.

But whether you are taking medication for anxiety or not, everyone benefits from the positive results of natural cures for anxiety.

Believe it or not, just knowing what foods to eat, and what food and drinks to avoid, will prove to be a great help for many people that suffer through all sorts of anxiety.

Becoming aware that caffeine and sugar might be fraying your nerves to the point of panic attacks, could change your entire life.

Real, and permanent, relief for anxiety will come for most anxiety disorders as simple methods and techniques are learned, and used, to dismiss fears, worries, and feelings from their everyday thoughts and innermost self.

When you find permanent relief for anxiety that reaches to the very core of the cause with natural remedies, you find a sustainable peace that affects all life situations.

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Pilates Exercise – The Hundred

11 Nov

your abdominal

The first exercises you would do in a pilates workout is The Hundred. It strengthens your abs and increases your circulation and prepares you for the other mat exercises. It is an excellent exercise for reducing that belly. Done correctly, you should feel the strain in your abdominal muscles, not your back. If your back hurts, then you’re not doing it right.

Lie on your back, straighten your arms and bend your knees at right angles with your calves parallel to the floor and your arms by your sides.

Straighten your legs and point the ceiling with your feet. Your heels should be together while your toes stay apart so that your feet form a v-shape

Lift your head off the ground.

Lift and lower your arms in a pumping motion, 5 times while you inhale, 5 times while you exhale for one set.

Do ten sets continuously, so you will pump your arms a total of 100 times, hence the name The Hundred

A few points to take note of.

times while

Pull in your stomach throughout the exercise. Imagine your are pulling your navel to your spine.

When you exhale, try to squeeze out all the air from your lungs

Relax your neck and throat when you do this exercise.

The first time you try this exercise, if your abdominal muscles aren’t strong enough, you might not be able to do the classic way. To make it easier, you can rest your feet against the wall until you get the hang of it.

your back

Natural Treatment For Migraine Headaches

6 Nov

body energy

Migraine Headaches are more an energetic issue than a strictly physical one and undoing energetic blockages and balancing the body’s energy system through the use of EFT is the number one natural treatment for migraine headaches.

EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques (also known as meridian tapping) is a simple modality for balancing the body’s energy system and releasing blocked energy dissolving negative emotions, memories and past traumas or future worries and fears.

Meridian Tapping is practised by using the fingers to tap on the various acupressure points on the body, while at the same time focusing on a phrase that describes the issue and also putting attention on the issue.

Miraculous recoveries can be achieved when the reason behind the headache has been discovered and it is different for everyone because it is often a disempowering belief, a traumatic memory, or even some sort of fear of worry, which cause the energetic imbalance. So it is always important to tune into the root cause rather than just the presenting symptoms.

Another effective natural treatment for Migraine headaches can be found with the diet. Many foods and drinks that we consume cause inflammation, and inflammation of the tissues and sinuses can cause headaches. Certain foods are also mucus forming and when our sinuses are full of mucus and inflamed at the same time, this is a sure recipe for a migraine headache.

A predominantly raw plant based diet also known as a Raw Vegan Diet is the number one anti-inflammatory and anti-mucus diet that one can eat. I have never met anyone who’s migraine headaches persisted that ate a 100% raw vegan diet.

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