Relaxation Techniques to Get Through a Panic Attack

20 Oct

Many people

Panic attack is a period when a person gets temporarily disabled with a sense of extreme fear and or psychological distress. Such attacks are often abrupt and the onset is usually without any warning. This can be result of any phobia and even the fear of future attack is another reason to trigger the attack. Women are more prone to such an attack which is normally twice as compared to men. It has been seen that such attacks can occur even with simple imagination of some fear. People who have phobia of height, water or even travelling by air can also get such attacks.

Though it is simply a temporary feeling but panic attacks make situation worst for the sufferer as he/she feels embarrassed after the panic attack is over. Such attacks normally last for ten minutes to half an hour and the person feels entangled in a fight and flight response. Such a situation stimulates body to secrete the adrenaline which reaches its peak in about three minutes; the result is choking, palpitation, chest pain, sweating, nausea, dizziness, trembling and tingling sensation.

Many people who suffer from panic attacks for the first time, think the death is imminent, such a situation makes situation even worse. People temporarily withdraw themselves from the surroundings and feel change in their attitude. They become even more irritable and do not listen to any body. It is the feeling which probably cannot be described. Many people who have suffered from attacks feel it to be the frightening experience of their lives.

suffer from

Many people who get repeated attacks suffer from panic disorder and even this can be associated with anxiety disorder.There are instances where a sign of panic disorder can lead to a attacks upon exposure to some triggers. Such people need help of an expert psychiatric who puts such patients on anti anxiety therapy, with some anti depression medication. Some therapists also teach the patients, the technique of overcoming such attacks with simple practice. In such a situation the will power of the sufferer plays an important role. If the person has complete mind control, he/she can reduce the flow of adrenaline in the blood circulation.

Phobia is a strong and continuous fear about situations, objects, activities and or person. Some people also suffer through night terror, which is a part of sleep disturbances. Another typical term is psychological trauma which could be result of some childhood happenings. Fear is also one of the causes of panic attack which could be simple imagination of any risk or danger. In most of the cases it has been seen these attacks are triggered with imaginary thoughts, some bad dreams, but in some cases it can be real also. The reason could be any, an accident taking place in front of them or any other violent happenings.

People who suffer from such attacks should visit a therapist, who will help them to know the real cause of panic attacks. Regular counseling by a therapist can also prove to be of great help. But basically the sufferer has to believe in self help by gaining control on the mind and come out of this situation.

such attacks

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