Archive | October, 2014

Pilates Exercise: More Than Just a Core Workout

31 Oct

your body

It’s a common misconception that Pilates method exercise is really only good for strengthening and stretching the core muscles of the body. Many people use it to tone their abs and improve their posture but, in reality, Pilates can do much more than that. In fact, when combined with an aerobic “cardio” exercise component (e.g., jogging or Spinning) Pilates can provide you with a fantastic full-body conditioning workout!

Pilates Exercises for Strength-Training

Many Pilates exercises are great muscle-toners that work large muscle groups beyond just the abs and lower back. The Plank position, for example, effectively works the chest and triceps muscle groups. Leg kicks work the glute and hamstring muscles very well. Free squats are one of the best lower-body exercises around, working the quadriceps, the hamstrings, and the glutes. And don’t think these are “sissy” strength-training exercises. Many of the world’s top martial artists practice them on a daily basis to toughen their bodies and reduce the chance of getting hurt.

Pilates Equipment

When it comes to workout equipment, it’s hard to beat Pilates devices like the Reformer and Wunda chair. Not only do they stretch and strengthen muscles — providing great full-body conditioning — but they “teach” you how to use the different parts of your body together efficiently. Efficient body movement is a key to great overall fitness, injury prevention, and high-level sports performance. Portable Pilates equipment like resistance bands and the Pilates circle are also effective fitness tools. They’re inexpensive, easy to travel with, and can easily be incorporated into many of your current muscle-conditioning routines for increased benefits.

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Natural Treatment for Impotence – An Overview

29 Oct

blood flow

In males, one of the most difficult problems that arise is that of impotency. Impotency is the inability of a man to be able to conceive a child. There are various kinds of disorders which can lead to impotency, and one of the most common of these is the erectile dysfunction disorder. The disorder generally occurs due to a blockage in the arteries located in the lower areas, which results in a reduced flow of blood. Blood is required by the male organ in order to function properly, as a lack of blood can prevent an erection. Unless blood flow is healthy within the male organ, there is no way an erection can occur.

Most men find it to be a matter of shame and rightly so, which is why their self-confidence and prestige is highly affected. Some are able to get an erection but find it difficult to sustain it, leading to a poor sexual relationship. This is also known as a partial, temporary erection and occurs just due to the fact that the arteries are unable to get the proper flow of blood through the penis. Apart from physical issues, one of the biggest reasons for which impotency issues arise is due to psychological factors. Many people believe that opting for a natural treatment for impotence is a great idea as compared to a chemical one, mainly because the chances of side effects are much higher as compared to natural courses of treatment.

A good natural treatment for impotence would be one which makes use of various different natural factors, such as a healthy diet, a healthy lifestyle and various other things in order to overcome this problem. If you are suffering from impotency due to lack of blood flow, the best option available to you is to change the way you live and what you eat. The food you eat has a major part to play, as those people who generally eat more oily foods are susceptible to impotency. Also, if you keep sitting in one position throughout the day, the chances are rife that you could suffer from impotency too.

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Relaxation Techniques For Anxiety – Music

23 Oct

anxiety that

If you are constantly distressed or anxious and the stress seems to be taking over your life, then you should seek help instantly. Although anxiety is actually, on an emotional level and emotionally incapacitating for anyone, there a few relaxation techniques for anxiety which will help fight the in your life. If you want to once again practical knowledge joy in your life, then you need to consider trying these relaxation techniques for anxiety.

Although it is advised that you seek advice from your doctor prior to trying remedies to fight your anxiety issues, there are a few relaxation techniques for anxiety that can be used by anyone. One of the most common methods used is relaxation, and it is very successful in fighting anxiety. Arbitration requires directing all your depressive and negativity and ideas into something enjoyable and positive. To be able to get the best results from mediation, you need to select a position that is suitable for the act. It is best that you select a basic position for relaxation, so that you will be able to collect your ideas without having any disruptions.

Music therapy is another successful one of the relaxation techniques for anxiety. Everyone loves enjoying popular music, and it has been proven that enjoying popular music is very helpful in reducing anxiety. Relaxing popular music is very successful in soothing your worn out nerve fibres and allowing you to chill out. Additionally, there is a variety of leisure popular music available on the market, which is specifically for assisting persons to relax and fighting anxiety. As a result of the enhancements in technology, you are now able to obtain some of the best leisure popular music from the Internet, if you want to reduce the anxiety that you practical knowledge.

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Pilates Equipment For Today’s Health Conscious

21 Oct

Pilates Magic

Pilates is one of today’s most popular workout routines. Be it at home, studio, or in fitness gyms-this workout rocks! The reason behind is the fact that Pilates is simple yet it still manages to give a lot of rewards in the end. It is a kind of exercise that works both the mind and the body particularly with the help of Pilates equipment.

Truly, the equipment used in Pilates can make or break the whole routine. Proper selection of Pilates equipment is necessary indeed. Yes, you can still do Pilates on the carpet without using any tool but of course, you should also know that gearing yourself with the necessary equipment will boost the impact of each movement to your body and also helps prevent injuries. To help you find the right tool for your needs, here is a list of Pilates equipment you need to consider.

Pilates Mat – A Pilates mat is actually the most basic equipment you need. Hence, this should be the first one on your shopping list. When buying, remember that this mat is available in two types, which are the fold-up and roll-up mat. Choose whichever it is that offers convenience.

Pilates Reformer – The next must-have in Pilates workout equipment is a Pilates reformer. This equipment is a must if you want to bring up your workout into the next level for this help boost resistance to help strengthen the core. There are a few at home reformers to choose from that are less expensive and fold up.

Pilates Magic Circle – If you want to work on toning your entire body, then a Pilates Magic Circle or the so called exercise ring needs to be included in your list of equipment. Grabbing this equipment will help you gain more resistance which is essential for your everyday workout.

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Relaxation Techniques to Get Through a Panic Attack

20 Oct

Many people

Panic attack is a period when a person gets temporarily disabled with a sense of extreme fear and or psychological distress. Such attacks are often abrupt and the onset is usually without any warning. This can be result of any phobia and even the fear of future attack is another reason to trigger the attack. Women are more prone to such an attack which is normally twice as compared to men. It has been seen that such attacks can occur even with simple imagination of some fear. People who have phobia of height, water or even travelling by air can also get such attacks.

Though it is simply a temporary feeling but panic attacks make situation worst for the sufferer as he/she feels embarrassed after the panic attack is over. Such attacks normally last for ten minutes to half an hour and the person feels entangled in a fight and flight response. Such a situation stimulates body to secrete the adrenaline which reaches its peak in about three minutes; the result is choking, palpitation, chest pain, sweating, nausea, dizziness, trembling and tingling sensation.

Many people who suffer from panic attacks for the first time, think the death is imminent, such a situation makes situation even worse. People temporarily withdraw themselves from the surroundings and feel change in their attitude. They become even more irritable and do not listen to any body. It is the feeling which probably cannot be described. Many people who have suffered from attacks feel it to be the frightening experience of their lives.

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Natural Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction

15 Oct

amino acid

What is the condition known as Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is a condition when the man is unable to obtain a proper erection in order to have satisfying sexual intercourse. It commonly affects men over 64 but it is also possible to affect younger men.

Natural Cures for Erectile Dysfunction

Below you can find five natural remedies for erectile dysfunction.

1) L-Arginine

L-arginine is an amino acid used by the human body to produce nitric oxide – a substance that helps the muscles surrounding blood vessels to relax and dilate, so that the flow of blood is increased. Thus, if the muscles in the penile area are relaxed, more blood will enter the penis and an erection will occur.

This amino acid can be found in different foods, including fish, meat, dairy products and poultry. In addition, some oral L-arginine supplements are available and they are often called “natural Viagra”.

However, the effectiveness of L-arginine for treatment of erectile dysfunction is only explored by two studies.

The first study included 50 men who were given 5 grams of L-arginine every day or a placebo. Six weeks later more men who were taking L-arginine experienced a sexual improvement in comparison to the men who were taking a placebo. An interesting fact is that this improvement was noticed only in the men who had low nitric oxide levels at the beginning of the study.

The second study involved intake of lower dose of L-arginine for a shorter period of time. There were 32 participants suffering of erectile dysfunction who were given 500 milligrams of L-arginine three times every day or a placebo for a period of 17 days. The men who were taking the amino acid experienced no benefits.

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Pilates Equipment Basics

9 Oct

from certified

So you want to get started on a Pilates program but don’t know what Pilates equipment you will need to get started. That’s great news and a decision you will not regret!

Pilates is growing in popularity because it produces results and has been doing so for decades. Now you can even set up a home workout studio that uses Pilates equipment similar to the original Joseph Pilates designed models. And we know what kind of results he described!

Joseph and his classic Pilates Method have such a legion of followers and part of that reason is because his Pilates equipment produced results. The good news is that the huge variety in sizes of Pilates equipment has made that equipment more affordable and more size appropriate to fit into our homes instead of just a gym somewhere.

Think back about when Joseph Pilates got started with his Pilates method. During World War I, Joseph was at an English internment camp and started to test his exercises on injured soldiers. Pilates started with those patients who were immobilized and bed-bound. To get them exercising, Joseph rigged up their hospital beds with springs, creating resistance to help them regain their strength. Brilliant! It was from this experience and experiment that Joseph went on to develop the Pilates Reformer.

Fascinated with spring-based pieces of equipment, Joseph headed to New York in the 1920s. He’d spent additional time creating more spring-based pieces of equipment as well as pieces that had lots of movable bars and adjustable straps.

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Natural Treatment for Hyperactivity

7 Oct

would include

There are many treatments on the market for adults and children with hyperactivity. There is a major trend amongst parents to try and treat their children naturally. It is a popular belief that diet can help people with hyperactive tendencies without using drugs that cause massive side effects. For example: small portions of caffeine seem to have a calming effect instead of the reverse and sugar should be kept at a minimum.


It is suggested that a high-protein diet can help improve concentration. Protein is found in all kinds of foods including meat, eggs, cheese, nuts and beans. If you have these primarily in the morning, it will help get through the tasks of school or work much easier.


Do not eat sugar close to bedtime but instead, plenty of complex carbohydrates. Vegetables and some fruits contain these. If the individual were to eat oranges, apples, pears or a grapefruit at bedtime instead of ice cream or some other sweet treat, they will feel more relaxed and will be able to get a better nights sleep. Getting a little exercise a couple of hours before bedtime is very beneficial for a good nights rest also. Taking a walk around the block or a short jog is good for you in many other ways also.

would include


You can minimize some of the hyperactivity by completely (or as much as possible) eliminating foods and drinks that contain food colorings and preservatives. Specifically red and yellow dyes. You can also reduce hyperactive tendencies by eating fewer simple carbohydrates which would include sugar, candy, corn syrup, honey, potatoes and white rice. Eating more Omega-3 fatty acids seems to help also. This food group would include tuna, salmon, walnuts, Brazil nuts, olive oil and canola oil.

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Severe Social Anxiety

2 Oct

fear fear

Social anxiety disorder is a kind of social phobia in which a person has acute fear of eating, drinking, talking or being watched out in a public place like a gathering. People who suffer from social phobia encounter difficulties when speaking in public, eating and drinking in public, writing in front of others, meeting new people, being the centre of attention, being watched while they do something, using the telephone or even when having to speak to authority figures.

Anxiety is almost entirely compromised of fear. The fear of fear itself. The disorder causes panic attacks, social discomfort, profuse sweating, rapid heart beat and dizziness all of which are connected to fear. A person with generalized anxiety has already made themselves fearful of a situation that never took place. Before they venture out they already have the fear of having a panic attack due to a social interaction.

social phobia

Severe social anxiety is one of the most difficult disorders to overcome. It can literally destroy your life in a matter of months. People do no realize that their is no real treatment to rid yourself of social anxiety, sure there is medication that is available through your family doctor. But how on earth does someone with social phobia get this medication when their number one fear is social interaction? Simple, they can not. So where do they turn?

Most anxiety sufferers are completely lost in this situation and have no clue how to get proper treatment and eventually lapse into depression. The best method which is not as commonly mentioned yet very effective in overcoming severe anxiety is to use email to talk to people. This form of interaction is simple, fast and a very effective way to help ease you into a real social situation. You can even take this method one step further by downloading one of the latest instant chat programs such as MSN Messenger or Yahoo Messenger (both are almost identical) so you can communicate in real time yet avoiding a face to face social conversation.

being watched

Severe Hypoglycemia: What to Do

1 Oct

blood sugar

Many of the medications used to treat diabetes may lower your blood sugar too much, resulting in hypoglycemia.

This is typically defined as a blood sugar of <70 mg/dl (3.9 mmol/L).

Once your sugar drops below this value, your body releases hormones, such as epinephrine and glucagon, in an attempt to return your sugar to the normal range.

For every 10 mg/dl (0.6 mmol/l) your sugar drops, the concentration of these hormones doubles.

With their release, the typical symptoms of hypoglycemia ensue: sweating, heart racing, shakes, hunger, head aches and anxiety.

The risk of hypoglycemia is greatest with the sulfonylureas ( examples include Glipizide, Glyburide, and Glimiperide), the meglitinides (Prandin and Starlix), and insulin.

Hypoglycemic risk is significantly reduced with Metformin, the DPP-4 inhibitors (Januvia, Onglyza and Tradjenta), the GLP-1 agonists (Byetta, Victoza, Bydureon), and the thiazolidinediones (Actos).

The hypoglycemic risk of these drugs approaches that of placebo, especially when used alone.

Since the brain requires sugar to function, but is unable to make sugar, low sugar in the blood may result in brain -related symptoms.

These symptoms include personality changes, inappropriate anger, confusion, slurred speech, seizures, and loss of consciousness.

Brain-related changes are most often observed when the blood sugar (BG) is <50 mg/dl (2.8 mmol/L).

It is very unusual for sugars to drop low enough to cause brain-related symptoms, unless food access is limited, since most people eat something as soon as hypoglycemic symptoms occur.

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