Natural Treatment For Thrush That You Can Administer From Home

25 Sep

suffer from

Perhaps you have already heard the word ‘thrush’. It is a term that generally refers to a fungal infection from Candida Albicans. It commonly appears in the mouth (oral thrush) or in a woman’s private parts (vaginal thrush). There are also instances when thrush appears on other areas of the body. The fungi only grow when its food supply is more than adequate such as when a person has diabetes. The fungi have a lot of blood sugar to feed on.

When you have oral thrush, you may experience soreness in the throat and the mouth; there are is also white discharge on the surface of the mouth. Adults and even babies may suffer from oral thrush. Babies are more susceptible to oral thrush since they often suck on feeding bottle nipples. The infection may be transferred onto the mother when the baby is breastfed. With vaginal thrush, you may suffer from itchiness; see cheesy white discharge from the vagina. The area is also redder in appearance than usual; pain during intercourse and urinating may also be experienced. The infection may be diagnosed through swab and laboratory examinations. It is for these inconvenient and troubling reasons that you would want to treat your infection. Creams, lozenges, gels and other treatments may be prescribed by your doctor; yet there are some helpful home remedies that you can use to treat thrush.

Baking Soda and vinegar. Both ingredients are effective as cleaning agents around the house, aside from being used in cooking foods. When mixed together in a solution, they also help eliminate your discomforts from thrush. Use a swap to wipe and apply the solution to the cheeks, tongue and gums of the baby. Fresh solution should be used for everyday application.

Yogurt. It has an anti-fungal property that is excellent in killing off the fungi. You may prefer to eat yogurt to treat your infection. You may also dip your clean finger in the yogurt and then let the baby suck the yogurt. If this seems unsuitable, you may smear the yogurt onto the infected area of the baby’s mouth or mother’s nipple. Ensure that your hands are clean before holding the yogurt.

vaginal thrush

Plantain Seed. Gathered during fall, this ingredient may also be bought at any season under the name of ‘psyllium’ seeds. Soak the seeds in water until they are swollen; usually overnight or after a few hours. Once the seeds have become gel-like, they can then be placed on the thrush affected areas.

Saltwater solution. Known to cure sore throats and mouth infections, salt water can also be used to treat thrush. One glass of water should be mixed with one teaspoon of salt. Swish and gargle this solution to help your thrush to heal faster. It also aids in reducing the pain. Afterward, rinse your mouth by gargling cold water.

Tea tree oil. It is also a natural means of curing fungal infections. Dilute the oil and use it like a mouthwash. The taste may not be pleasant, but the effect will certainly be effective in eliminating your thrush.

oral thrush

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