Archive | September, 2014

Natural Treatment For Thrush That You Can Administer From Home

25 Sep

suffer from

Perhaps you have already heard the word ‘thrush’. It is a term that generally refers to a fungal infection from Candida Albicans. It commonly appears in the mouth (oral thrush) or in a woman’s private parts (vaginal thrush). There are also instances when thrush appears on other areas of the body. The fungi only grow when its food supply is more than adequate such as when a person has diabetes. The fungi have a lot of blood sugar to feed on.

When you have oral thrush, you may experience soreness in the throat and the mouth; there are is also white discharge on the surface of the mouth. Adults and even babies may suffer from oral thrush. Babies are more susceptible to oral thrush since they often suck on feeding bottle nipples. The infection may be transferred onto the mother when the baby is breastfed. With vaginal thrush, you may suffer from itchiness; see cheesy white discharge from the vagina. The area is also redder in appearance than usual; pain during intercourse and urinating may also be experienced. The infection may be diagnosed through swab and laboratory examinations. It is for these inconvenient and troubling reasons that you would want to treat your infection. Creams, lozenges, gels and other treatments may be prescribed by your doctor; yet there are some helpful home remedies that you can use to treat thrush.

Baking Soda and vinegar. Both ingredients are effective as cleaning agents around the house, aside from being used in cooking foods. When mixed together in a solution, they also help eliminate your discomforts from thrush. Use a swap to wipe and apply the solution to the cheeks, tongue and gums of the baby. Fresh solution should be used for everyday application.

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Relaxation Techniques For Social Disorder And Anxiety

22 Sep

particular technique

The most common symptoms of a social disorder are trepidation and nervousness. It is imperative that we learn the depth of this disorder, but more importantly, the aim should be to figure out just how to support you through it. In our effort to offer you the help you need, we give you some relaxation techniques for anxiety.

Firstly, there is the Jacobson’s Progressive Relaxation (PMR) technique. It was developed in the earlier part of the 1920s by Edmund Jacobson, a physician from the United States. The main principle of this technique speaks to the fact that muscle tension usually go along with anxiety. As such, once you have learnt how to relax your muscles, you will automatically diminish your anxiety. With this technique, you are in a stress-free setting where you engage in deep meditation. You are psychologically concentrating on separate muscles, body parts or muscle groups and methodically trying to relax each of them one at a time. Aptly named body scanning, this technique effectively helps to relax your muscles either before or after somatic exercises. This is usually done in five to ten minutes, beginning with one time a day, and then doing it as is necessary. You can tape the instructions to help you along.

relax your muscles

There is also Autogenic Training; which was created by Johannes Schultz, the psychiatrist from out of Germany. A little more complex than PMR, but has the same basic mechanisms. There are 6 regular exercises using optical imagery. These exercises leave your body in a calm, warm, heavy mode. The aim is to be aware of one’s body and use visual imagery to get you into a relaxed state of being. This particular technique takes anywhere from 4 to 6 months to be able to perfectly execute. It should be done in 5 to 10 minute stints numerous times a day. This may call for instructions from a trained therapist, but can be done via taped directives.

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Natural Treatment for Eczema to Reduce the Itching and Inflammation

18 Sep

aloe vera

If you suffer from itchy skin that includes red rashes, you may be suffering from eczema. If you are interested in learning more about natural treatment for eczema keep reading. Eczema can be found on your scalp, face, hands, backs of the knees and other areas. Although it is not contagious, it can become a chronic problem if it is frequently scratched, and that could create thick patches that are dark red and scaly.

There are a number of causes for this skin problem, although the main one seems to be allergies. Excessive exposure to the sun, certain topical medicines, drugs and even exposure to dust and pollens can cause it to occur.

If you are interested in natural treatment for eczema, it is still a good idea to talk to a skin specialist before you begin any treatment so that you will know that you do not have other skin problems. At this point, you may want to begin considering some remedies that help many people with the symptoms. However, it is very important to note that if you don’t stop scratching the skin, your eczema will probably continue to get worse.

While there are many natural treatment for eczema, you will probably want to try them one at a time until you determine which ones work for you, because every remedy does not work for every person. You might begin with fish oil. Some studies have shown fish oil to be effective in controlling the itchy skin and inflammation. If you don’t get enough in your regular diet, there are fish oil capsules that you can take as a dietary supplement.

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Natural Treatment for Tinnitus

16 Sep

Natural Treatment Tinnitus

Natural Treatment for Tinnitus Tinnitus is one of those frustrating and infuriating conditions for which there is no cure. Everyone who suffers from tinnitus is desperate for a cure to be discovered but for some reason this seems to be still some way off. The medical and scientific community has not been able to find a cure to date. Natural treatment is currently the way to go.

Natural Treatment for Tinnitus Options To day there are many treatment options available to the tinnitis sufferers and foremost amongst these are natural treatments and remedies. These options can be broken up into homeopathic tinnitus treatments, herbal treatments, vitamin based therapies and a combination of all of these.

Natural homeopathic tinnitus treatments are made up of natural ingredients that are potentized homeopathically. Homeopathic treatments work on the “like treating like” theory. What this means in plain language is that the homeopathic preparation would cause the symptoms in a healthy person that it will cure in a sick person.

Homeopathy is an extremely powerful natural science modality that has been around for hundreds of years and has had excellent results in the treatment of tinnitus.

Natural herbal therapies for tinnitus are also popular and have been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Gingko biloba, sesame seeds, Chinese herbs, black cohosh, spinach, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and even onion juice has been used as being successful in the treatment in tinnitus.

Natural Treatment Tinnitus

Natural vitamin formulations have also long been thought to be successful in the treatments of tinnitus and most of these contain Vitamin A, Vitamin C, the B group vitamins, Vitamin E, Vitamin A and Zinc.

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Relaxation Is Necessary for a Healthy Mind and Body

11 Sep

many people

For some reason, many people, when they think about How to be healthy, don’t consider relaxation as part of the process.

The truth is that relaxing has both physical and mental health benefits that cannot be overlooked.

In fact, studies conducted at Harvard Medical School and other prestigious research schools have shown that relaxation helps your genes that focus on disease fighting to be more active!

What’s more, studies also show that using relaxation techniques reduces stress, which simply makes for a happier and healthier mind overall.

There are several different techniques that you can use to relax. Stretching is an excellent way to relax the body.

Many people use Yoga for relaxation and a general feeling of wellness.

Yoga can be used as a form of exercise, but it’s primary goal is to help you find a connection between mind and body.

Meditation is another way to achieve relaxation.

Meditation is a relaxation technique that teaches you how to focus your mind and literally be in the moment.

Once you learn how to properly meditate, you can use meditation to relieve stress and anxiety, which will help you to relax.

Listening to music or nature noises is another effective way to achieve relaxation. Many people find it difficult to simply sit and relax and this additional ambiance can help them to relax and feel better.

until your

Progressive muscle relaxation is something that works for many people.

This is a process by which you focus on each muscle group by tightening or flexing the muscle for five seconds and then releasing it. You should start at your toes and work your way up the body or start with your head and work your way down. You repeat this process until your body is completely relaxed.

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Natural Treatment For Thrush In Horses – No Smelly Mess, No Toxic Chemicals Or Metals

10 Sep

drops Tree

When most of us think of thrush treatments for horses, we immediately think of messy, smelly green goop that seems to end up more on us and the ground than on our horse’s feet. Those nasty smelling traditional products that often contain toxic chemicals and metals are not the only way to tackle thrush infections. I have found several ways to combat thrush naturally that are just as effective, if not more so, as well as being much less expensive and more pleasant than those traditional methods and I would like to share them with you.

What Is Thrush?

Contrary to popular belief, thrush in horses is not a fungal infection, but actually caused by a bacteria called fusobacterium necrophorum. It is an anaerobic bacteria that flourishes in moist, oxygen deprived environments such as underneath layers of mud and debris that get trapped in the crevices of your horse‘s hoof. This bacteria is common to the animal gastrointestinal tract and therefore is naturally found in most soils. Characteristics of a thrush infection are usually a very smelly, blackish colored, oily material produced by the bacteria and deposited along the collateral grooves, central sulcus of the frog, junction of the frog and sole, and in more severe cases can also be found in the white line.

Thrush infections commonly occur in conjunction with fungal and yeast infections. It may be necessary to modify your plan of attack to make sure you cover all three common types of hoof infections in order to be effective in your treatment.

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Master Cleanse Directions – The Salt Water Flush Recipe For Master Cleanse

4 Sep

salt water

One of the main components of the Master Cleanse detoxification fast is the salt water flush. This is a separate drink from the lemon and maple syrup concoction that you use throughout the day. Instead, the salt water flush is only taken first thing in the morning and it is designed to clear your bowels of any additional crud.

The Salt water flush recipe is pretty simple. It consists of:

1 quart of lukewarm or room temperature water;

2 level teaspoons of sea salt

And you do want to make sure that you are using sea salt and not your standard table salt. Sea salt is not iodized, while table salt is and you need the non-iodized salt to do the flush properly. Most people find the taste of the salt water flush distasteful, so you can also squeeze a little bit of fresh lemon or lime juice into the drink just to make it easier to swallow.

Master Cleanse

When to do the salt water flush?

If you’re going to do the flush, do it first thing in the morning before you have anything else to eat or drink. Also, most people will find that they will urgently need to use the bathroom within about a half hour of drinking the flush, so make sure you are close enough to get to one.

The original book by Stanley Burroughs, The Master Cleanser, recommends drinking the entire 1 quart, but personally I would not force myself to drink all of it. You may find that it does the job after only drinking 16 ozs of it. Let your own body decide. If you decide not to do the flush, Burroughs did recommend that an herbal tea with laxative properties could be used instead. Normally, while doing the Master Cleanse, you would drink the herbal laxative tea in the evening before bed. If you decide to eliminate the salt water flush, then you would have the tea in the morning as well.

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Relief for Eczema

3 Sep

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Eczema, is a chronic condition that can make your itchy skin dry and crack in places. The good news, however, is that you can use simple home remedies to help relieve the pain and soothe the itchy discomfort without having to spend a lot of money!

The skin can break out in rash-like patches that come and go. The rash can become red and inflamed with blisters that may leak fluid. If scratched open it will spread to other areas.

Yuk! So, please don’t scratch.

With home remedies you will be feeling better and you be cleared up no time!

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition describes eczema “as a non-contagious inflammation of the skin characterized by redness, itching, and lesions that break open with a clear discharge which becomes encrusted and scaly.”

Now, let’s look at some things that can cause a breakout:

soaps with fragrant or perfumes, alcohol or perfumed lotions

hot, sweaty skin

dry indoor air or wintry air with little moisture

itchy clothing such as wool, dust mites in bed sheets

pollen, mold, mildew, or animal dander

latex (my worst enemy) or rubber gloves

certain jewelry (another culprit of mine)

tobacco smoke

some foods with a tomato base, the acid or certain dairy foods

nutrient deficiencies especially vitamins A and B-6, Zinc, magnesium, iron and essential fatty acids

emotional stress

There are several types that will have different symtoms and causes such as:

Atopic Eczema which is the most common type. Atopy means a family history or predisposition to allergy conditions such as hay fever, asthma and eczema. Runny noses and sneezing, from the allergies, can trigger flare ups.

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