Master Cleanse Salt Water Flush Detoxifies the Body

31 Jul

Master Cleanse

The Master Cleanse diet is not just a way to lose weight. When it was originally created by the late Stanley Burroughs about 50 years ago it was designed as a way to rid the body of toxins stored in it as a result of consuming alcohol, caffeine, tobacco and certain foods.

The detoxification is largely achieved through bowel movements being induced through drinking a salt water flush. This entails mixing one to two tablespoons of sea salt with 25 to 35 ounces of pure water which is at room temperature.

How the drink is introduced into the body varies. Some chug it all down at once to get it over with it, while others have said sipping it through a straw helps them. Suggestions also include adding a bit of lemon juice to the drink to improve the taste. For the best results, it is highly suggested to take the salt water flush on an empty stomach.

The salt water mixture loosens the impacted fecal matter that has built up over the years. Proponents of the system say flushing the system this way is better than via an enema because it cleans the intestinal tracts in their entirety.

Drinking the entire mixture can be a challenge since the stomach likely will shrink from being on the Master Cleanse lemonade diet and having no solid foods for several days. It is important to finish the entire salt water mixture and keep it down.

salt water flush

The solution can not actually be digested by the body so it will be expelled shortly through a movement. These usually occur within a half hour or an hour from when the salt water mixture is consumed. In the first two days of the Master Cleanse saltwater flush, these movements will also expel the remaining solid matter from the digestive tract. It must be realized that since solid food has been removed from the diet the eliminations of waste will mostly be liquid.

Once the bowel movements begin each day, there may be several over a short period of time. It is a good idea to stay near a toilet until the interval between movements reaches 15 minutes.

It is not a glamorous process but for those that have gone through it the Master Cleanse salt water flush is said to be an essential part of the whole process and one that will make the body feel much better.

water flush

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