Natural Treatment of Hyperthyroidism

18 Jul

permanent treatment

Treatment for hyperthyroidism is undertaken in the form of a process. There is the need for suppressive thyrostatics medication initially and then later and more permanent treatment like surgery or radioisotope surgery. These courses of treatment may lead to a deficit in the functioning of the thyroid, which can be counterbalanced with a supplementation of levothyroxine.

Temporary medical therapy includes the use of drugs that check the production levels of thyroid hormones. These drugs are called thyrostatics of which carbimazole and methimazole are the two most widely pronounced. However a third option should be made possible and patients can use propylthiouracil. The drugs use thyroperoxidase to inhibit the iodination of thyroglobulin. Large doses of thyrostatics can lead to symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Beta-blockers are also a type of drug that do not necessarily treat but mask the given symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Symptoms such as fatigue, palpitations, anxiety and stress can be cleared with this type of drug. Metoprolol and propranolol are used extensively to treat hyperthyroid patients.

Surgery and radioisotope therapy are the methods for permanent treatment of hyperthyroidism. Even though radioisotope therapy is less invasive, surgery may still be required where there is an inflammation of the thyroid gland, compressing the neck area, or the root cause of the condition may be malignant in nature.

Surgery, in most cases of hyperthyroidism is not necessary because the same can be treated effectively with radioisotope therapy. Some patients suffering with Graves’ disease however may not tolerate medicines and hence refuse radioiodine and choose surgery instead. Many surgeons think that radioiodine treatment may be unsafe for patients with extraordinarily large glands, or for those whose eyes have started to protrude from their sockets, and hence a large dose of iodide may only aggravate the patient’s symptoms. The surgical procedure is rather safe and there are surgeons who conduct partial thyroidectomies for out-patients as well.

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Get to know more at: Thyroid Problems

Radioidine or radioisotope therapy uses radioactive iodine, taken orally, in liquid or pill, once only, to stop a hyperactive gland from functioning. This iodine differs from that used in a scan. The thyroid cells absorb the radioactive iodine only and this ensures that the destruction is local and the effects are not widespread.

Articles on: Thyroid Medication and Treatment

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