Archive | June, 2014

Natural Treatment for Panic Attack Disorder

27 Jun

actually more

A neurological or psychological condition that is manifested by extreme or intense fear and terror is known as a panic attack disorder, which is quite common among adults and children alike. Most advanced cases are severe enough that it actually affects the day to day life of the sufferer. Although many of the panic disorder cases are easily treated by anti anxiety and anti depressant medications, some people do believe in the effects of natural treatment for disorders. Proper diet, regular exercise, and behavior modification therapy are just some of the natural treatments that can have serious positive effects for people with anxiety attack disorders.

If you wish to treat these disorders naturally, the first thing you need to do is ask a health care professional regarding the methods involved in behavior modification therapies. These types of therapies can be very effective in battling the disorder. CBT, or cognitive behavior therapy, is probably among the most effective form of behavior modification therapy in dealing with panic problems, simply because the main goal of the therapy itself is to seek the underlying causes of the panic attacks and then attempts to modify or change those behaviors and undesirable responses with more acceptable substitutes. This form of natural treatment is actually more common than one might think.

Another form of therapy that you should familiarize yourself with is interceptive exposure therapy. This form of therapy attempts to trigger the symptoms of the panic attack in order for the therapist to demonstrate to the sufferer that no harm will come to him or her. After all, the best way to deal with your fears or anxieties is to face them, don’t you think? Although this form of therapy can be quite risky at times to some individuals, especially those who manifest severe symptoms, it has been proven to be quite effective in treating panic problem in a natural manner.

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Massage Therapy Basics

25 Jun

Deep Tissue Massage

What is massage therapy?

Massage therapy is a manipulation of muscles, ligaments, tendons, skin, fascia, and joints in the body. It is a practice that has been around since the beginning of peopledom. In fact, ancient techniques are still employed in today’s modern world.

The benefits of massage are extensive. Not only can it help alleviate pain and aid in physical maladies and day-to-day functioning, but it impacts mental and emotional wellbeing. Relaxation, awareness, anxiety, and depression can all be aided and eased with massage therapy.

Massage boosts the immune system, relaxes and reduces anxiety, alleviates pain, reduces blood pressure and heart rate, stimulates lesser used muscles, increases endorphins, aids physical rehabilitation, and improves circulation (blood and lymph).

There are many different techniques and therapies in the field of massage. Some of these may be familiar to you already, even if you do not know specifically what they entail.

Swedish: Probably the most well known technique, and for good reason; it’s quite popular.

Acupressure is like acupuncture without the needles. Specific points are targeted and pressure applied to create a therapeutic effect.

Aroma Therapy is often used in tandem with other techniques. It consists of using fragrant oils for healing benefits. These oils can be applied to the skin or simply allowed to perfume the air thus allowing those nearby to receive benefits nasally.

Canadian Deep Tissue Massage: A technique that focuses on a muscle group working with the fibers of the muscle tissue to rejuvenate each level of muscle including deep tissue.

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Lowering Blood Pressure Without Medication – Physical Activities and Breathing Exercise

20 Jun

physical exercises

In this modern era, more and more people seem to adopt unhealthy lifestyle. The fast paced world nowadays has benefited us but unfortunately it also has brought negative effects when the chaotic work life can lead to depression, and modern appliances tend to make us “lazy” and do less physical activities.

This is why people these days are more prone to diseases such as hypertension or high blood pressure (HBP) that may eventually lead to more serious health conditions such as stroke and heart failure. High blood pressure or hypertension is in fact a “silent killer” because people may not realize that they have it.

If you have hypertension one of the many ways you can do to lower or even normalize it without medication is by being more active physically. Of course you can have a lifestyle change such as changing your diet, stopping smoking as well as alcohol, and reducing salty foodstuff. But another thing that is also important is to do regular physical exercises that will be significant in reducing high blood pressure.

If you do physical exercises, you will have healthier supply of blood to your heart’s muscle tissue so it will get more oxygen and nutrients. As an addition, it will increase HDL (good cholesterol level) and reduce LDL (bad cholesterol level).

The kind of exercises you can do to control high blood pressure is aerobic, which is a rhythmic exercise that will improve your breathing and heart rates. In this case, you don’t need to do complicated and boring exercises. In fact, simple physical activities like mowing the lawn and fun activity like dancing are considered aerobics. The other examples of aerobic activities are walking, swimming, bicycling, stair climbing, etc.

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Reliable Ways to Get Rid of Piles Fast

18 Jun

fiber help

Piles (Hemorrhoids) are one of those personal problems most people have experienced but no one wants to talk about. Well, talk about them or not, one thing is very clear: You shouldn’t ignore them. All sufferers want to get rid of piles fast so here are some tips to help you deal effectively with the problem and hopefully ease your suffering once and for all.

Be careful with laxatives:

If you have hemorrhoid problems, use laxatives sparingly. Laxatives can be vital in dealing with isolated instances of constipation, and I know that the painful experience of passing stools can motivate you to use laxatives to make bowel movements easier, but if you rely on them regularly you can do yourself harm. You might be masking the true status of your digestive processes and cannot tell if you need to make dietary adjustments.

A warm soak can be just the ticket for relieving your hemorrhoid pains. Running a shallow bath of warm – not hot – water and sitting in it will reduce the painful swelling of your hemorrhoids and improve circulation in the area. You can repeat this treatment as often as is practical. This will also aid with personal cleanliness which is vital in your hemorrhoid treatment at home.

Avoid straining in the restroom:

Never force yourself to use the restroom. One of the main causes of piles is straining when you are attempting to have a bowel movement. This should happen naturally and within a few minutes of feeling the need to go. A little exercise or just walking around should help your body produce that urge to go.

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Massage Therapy And How It Can Benefit You

11 Jun

massage customer

Whether to relieve the stress of the work day, to unbind tired and sore muscles, or just to treat oneself to a relaxing afternoon, more and more people are looking towards massage therapy. Once considered a luxury, the health benefits of massage are becoming well known and the expanding field has reduced costs so that virtually anyone can afford it. Businessmen, at-home mothers, athletes, people who do heavy physical labor or have emotionally stressful jobs, and people with recurring problems all look to massage therapy for relief.

The benefits of massage therapy are many and varied. Pain relief is one of the most common reasons people get massage, particularly for back and neck pain. Athletes can use massage to promote quicker muscle growth or to repair damage from over-strenuous workouts. Expecting mothers can use massage to help with the discomforts of pregnancy as well as to strengthen and relax muscles for the birth process. Regular treatments can help with stress relief and promote better sleep, improved concentration, reduce fatigue and increase energy levels. Increased flexibility, a stronger immune system, improved circulation, and lower blood pressure are some more benefits.

At-home massage is popular these days, especially for people who enjoy the comfort of their own home as opposed to visiting a spa. It is convenient, as the therapist comes to the client and if after a massage the customer feels like taking a shower or a nap, they are free to do so without enduring the drive home. This can be a better option for those who are unable to get to a spa due to illness or transportation problems. Making an appointment for home is usually easier to fit into a schedule as well. You can find massage therapists via the internet. However, sometimes people do not feel comfortable with having someone in their home that they barely know and may opt for a spa over home therapy. A massage at home may be more expensive, but you’re paying for the quality of the professional and the extra load of them carrying their table over a hit or miss therapist at a spa.

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Lowering Uric Acid to Prevent Painful Gout and Kidney Stones

6 Jun

acid levels

As you probably already know, uric acid crystals in the joints cause the horrible symptoms of gout. But did you know that recurring gout can cause permanent joint damage? And did you know that crystals can also form in the kidneys where they can eventually ‘clump’ together to form painful kidney stones?

So what can you do to prevent this happening to you?

First, let us look at how these crystals are formed in the first place…

Urate Crystals

Crystals of urate can form when you have high uric acid levels in your blood. They usually don’t when your levels are normal because your kidneys process and flush excess acid out of your body.

But if your kidneys aren’t working to their full potential, or your body is over-producing uric acid, then you are left with excess in your bloodstream that, over time, can form into crystals in your joints and kidneys.

Medical tests can pinpoint which of the two scenarios above could be the underlying problem. For example, if they show that you have high acid levels in your blood but low levels in your urine, this could indicate that your kidneys aren’t working efficiently.

If, on the other hand, the tests show high levels in your blood and high levels in your urine as well, then this could indicate that your kidneys are fine but that the body is producing too much acid for your kidneys to cope with.

Either way, your body has too much acid which then forms crystals in your joints, causing gout and possible long-term joint damage. But then, crystals can also be deposited in your kidneys where they clump together to form stones.

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Sex After 55: The New Swinging Singles

3 Jun

mature adults

For many people, reaching the age of 55 marks the pivotal turning point in one’s lifetime. Retirement (with its inherent lifestyle changes) looms, and people turn inward, examining their innermost thoughts, desires and sensations. Living life to the fullest becomes the goal. Adult communities, which once offered few amenities, now embellish common areas with lavish community fitness centers and well designed sporting arenas for tennis, golfing or swimming enthusiasts. Social interaction with one’s neighbors becomes the norm. Appreciation of the opposite sex is alluring, and with advances in modern medicine, erectile dysfunction is becoming a thing of the past.

Sexual intimacy at this stage can take different forms. For many newly “singled” mature adults, it can mark a return to sexual freedom not seen since their youth. But such freedom does not come without responsibility. Many older adults believe that, since the fear of an unwanted pregnancy is no longer an issue, the use of a condom is obsolete. But they are so wrong!

Recent studies have shown that sexually active mature adults, especially people with multiple sexual partners, are at high risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that, between 2005 and 2009 there has been a 43% increase in the reported cases of Syphilis and Chlamydia in people 55 years of age or older. And, according to a recent article in the Sun Sentinel, a South Florida newspaper… “a study conducted by sex researchers at Indiana University found that, in the United States, condom use was lowest among men over 50 years of age.”

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Massage Therapy and Repetitive Strain Injuries

3 Jun

Repetitive Strain

There is no question that conservative therapy is the best option for those suffering with a Repetitive Strain Injury. From Trigger Finger to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, conservative therapy produces the best results, limited side effects (if any), quicker results and long-lasting relief.

There are many types of conservative treatments that provide a variety of positive benefits to the user. Massage Therapy is a terrific conservative treatment that provides good results by itself, and even greater results when combined with a stretch and exercise routine.

Massage is used to help relax and lengthen tight, restrictive muscles, break down scar tissue in injured muscles, reduce adhesions on affected tendons at their point of attachment to the muscle or to the bone, remove toxins from muscles and increase overall circulation and nutrient delivery to the associated tissues. All of these wonderful benefits help overworked muscles to relax and injured muscles to recover. The problem is this. Massage Therapy does not correct the muscle imbalances causing the Repetitive Strain Injury. Massage Therapy can greatly assist the rehabilitation / treatment process, but once a muscle has been injured and has atrophied to any significant degree, or a muscle has gone into a state of chronic hypertonicity, other therapeutic elements must be added to the treatment regimen in order to completely eliminate the Repetitive Strain Injury.

An integral part of treating Repetitive Strain Injuries is the implementation of a stretch and exercise routine specifically designed to create structural integrity and muscle balance where the injury exists. If the injury is Tennis Elbow, there must be an equality of strength between the wrist and elbow flexors, wrist and elbow extensors, and wrist and forearm pronators and supinators. By creating strong flexible muscles surrounding the specific joint, that joint will no longer be highly susceptible to Repetitive Strain Injuries.

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