Archive | May, 2014

Natural Treatment for Hypertension-HBP, High Blood Pressure

29 May

blood pressure

We are leaving in crowd environment surrounded by people and each of them live his own life, and have his own story… Some of them are happy and optimistic and others sad and I wouldn’t say pessimistic but more realistic, some times it seems like even too realistic for me. Each of those stories may influent or affects our lives in different ways. Happy stories influent us less than the sad ones which have more powerful impact on us.

It turns out that illnesses and diseases influent our lives more than other causes since they alter lives; they cause to significant changes and claim the precious cost…

High blood pressure or Hypertension (HBP), known also as the “Silent Killer”, because of the silent nature of the disease affects the lives of millions of people and become to one of the most dangerous diseases in modern world. In most cases, as the American Heart Association claims, “high blood pressure is not a disease of separate identity but usually appears as symptom of other disease, and in most cases of high blood pressure there is no one identifiable cause”.

Statistics of disease are terrifying: it claims a new victim every 35 seconds and the cardiovascular disease kills almost 2500 Americans each day by heart attacks, stroke, kidney or heart failures…

When it doesn’t kills it does cause irreversible damages to the body organs; to brain, heart, kidneys, eyes, causes to various vascular diseases.

Controlling and normalizing the blood pressure and keeping it close to the normal range is easily done by modern “wonder pills and drugs”. There is a wealth of the prescription medications that High blood sufferer may utilize to treat Hypertension: kind of blockers, diuretics, vasodilators, inhibitors… They are very effective to maintain blood pressure, to lower it and keep it down.

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Massage Therapy Certification Survival Guide

23 May

study guide

Every graduating massage therapy student when coming out of massage therapy school, still has to take their national certification exam in order to get their massage therapy license. This may sound like an easy thing, but you would not believe how many students simply don’t pass their exam. Not passing their exam the first time, causes needless unnecessary expense, needless frustration and anxiety, and needless prolonging putting off getting your massage license and practicing massage therapy. Speaking from experience, and seeing so many others struggling with this ordeal, I want to give some easy, common sense advice that will hopefully help those needing to take either their MBLEx, NCETM, or NCETMB certification test.

First of all, don’t think you can just waltz into the testing center without any preparation and think you will pass. Chances are you won’t and the odds of that happening are very much against you. Secondly, always prepare before taking any exam, especially your certification exams. Always refresh your memory, go back and review what you learned in massage therapy school. If by some chance you don’t do well preparing that way, get a tutor, a friend, someone or something that will help you prepare. Also, many students have been out of school for a while and this is where most graduates make the mistake. They wait to late to take the test while the information is fresh in their brains and then thing they can pass the exam after being out of school for 6 months or longer. That simply won’t happen, I guarantee it. You must prepare to pass the exam.

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Lower Your Risk of Colon Cancer With the Right Fat

21 May

dairy foods

A high intake of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is a kind of fat found naturally in cow’s milk, significantly lowers risk of bowel cancer, according to a new study.

60,000 Women Over 15 Years

Middle-aged women who reported having the highest intake of CLA during the late ’80s were about 30 percent less likely to have developed bowel cancer within the following 15 years. Data from over 60,000 women were analyzed.

Even further, those who ate at least four servings of high-fat dairy foods each day had a 41 percent lower risk of bowel cancer than those who ate less than one. Each increment of two servings of dairy products equaled a 13 percent reduction in a woman’s colon cancer risk.

Increases Some Risks, Decreases Others

Milk-based products have been linked to increased risk of other cancers, such as breast cancer and prostate cancer, but both milk and calcium have been associated with a lower bowel cancer risk in several previous studies.

Current research has usually focused on calcium as the potential mechanism for this. Few if any other studies have evaluated the role of CLA.

Bowel cancer is the third most common form of the disease worldwide.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition October 2005; 82(4): 894-900 Food Navigator October 10, 2005

Dr. Mercola’s Comment:You may recall that cancer, NOT heart disease, is now America’s top killer.In my book, any natural strategy that cuts your risk of the top killer by half is worth looking into more seriously.

CLA is one such potent cancer-fighter, for as little as 0.5 percent in your daily diet could reduceyour risk of colon cancerby more than 50 percent.

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Massage Therapy and Stress Relief

16 May

massage therapy

While the practice of therapeutic massage has been used for centuries in the east, it is a relatively recent phenomenon here in the west. While the wonders of modern medicine have left many awestruck, more and more people are looking towards complimentary therapies and non-invasive treatments for their ailments. Massage therapy has never been as popular as it is today in America.

A number of studies have shown that massage therapy is a highly effective stress reduction technique. An earlier study, conducted by the University of Miami Medical School and published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, suggested that children receiving 30 minutes of therapeutic massage daily were less depressed and anxious than they were at the time of their admittance.

This particular study also observed marked differences in the health and behavior of the children in the test group, over the children in the control group. The nurses taking part in the study also noted that the children were more cooperative, and were able to achieve a higher level of sleep quality. On the biological level, the children in the control group exhibited lower levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) in their saliva and in their urine. It quickly became evident to researchers that massage can play a significant role in stress reduction.

massage therapy

It is highly encouraging that both the medical establishment and the general public are starting to realize the impact that stress can have on an individual’s health and well being. Some physicians and researchers have suggested that stress is responsible for over 75% of all disease in the western world, including skin disorders, high blood pressure, headaches, digestive ailments, muscle pain, and depression. By employing the age-old techniques of massage therapy, there exists the distinct possibility of overcoming these terrible afflictions.

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Lowering Cholesterol Quickly by Avoiding Trans-Fats And Other Important Facts and Tips

14 May

high cholesterol

Let me show you an interesting equation:

Trans-Fats = vegetable oil + hydrogen.

Trans-fats are used in manufactured products because they have a much longer shelf life and the texture is not so greasy. Even though they are detrimental to your health the manufacturers ignore this fact and continue to use them. It is also important to realize that partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are really trans-fats in disguise.

If you have health issues and want to know what foods to avoid with high cholesterol, one of the answers would be any foods containing trans-fats.

We will now think about saturated fats. These are butters, which are naturally hard when cold. This is not the soft, spreadable kind which has been altered. Also coconut butter, which has become very popular lately is 90% saturated to begin with. These butters are completely hydrogenated and the natural process they go through to make them does not change them into trans-fatty acids. If you cook or bake with these hydrogenated fats they have a high smoke point and the oil remains stable at high temperatures and so they don’t change.

Normal dairy butter is a saturated fat so for people who have a high cholesterol (LDL) level it is not advisable to use a lot. But in my opinion, a small amount of butter to saute a few vegetables now and again is a much better option than using a fat that has been un-naturally altered to a trans-fats or “long chain saturate”.

Coconut oil or butter is a saturated-oil, but it is not an animal saturated fat or dairy product and is treated differently by the body. Coconut oil is mainly a medium chain fatty acid. The body uses medium chain fatty acids directly for energy and is not stored as fat. Amazingly, they also help to burn fat in the body. Recent research has shown that using coconut oil in your diet has helped obese people to lose weight and has not had any adverse effects on their cholesterol levels. The natives of the south pacific islands consume coconuts daily as part of their normal diets, but heart disease, high cholesterol and colon/digestion problems are unheard of.

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Lowering Blood Pressure Normally

8 May

about this

Quite a few people across the world face a problem with hypertension which can lead to a number of other ailments. Most people look to visit a physician and spend a lot of money in trying to keep their blood pressure under control. People do not realize that there are methods which can help in lowering hypertension naturally as well. People will be in a position to enhance their knowledge about this subject if they were to conduct a little research on their own initiative.

There are a number of reasons why people end up with hypertension. It is commonly believed that people who are obese are the only ones susceptible to this problem. However, this is not the case as high blood pressure can even affect a person with an average build. Poor dietary habits, lack of exercise, smoking and an unhealthy lifestyle can also lead to the development of this problem. People may very well think that they will only be in a position to get the blood pressure back under control by choosing to take prescription medications. However, there are methods available which can be adopted and can prove to be equally effective as well.

People facing this problem can definitely be concerned about how they can achieve their objective of lowering hypertension in a natural manner. Things may seem difficult to start with, but once people make a decision about this matter, they will have no difficulties in lowering hypertension without the help of prescription medications.

this problem

People will be required to make drastic changes in their lifestyle, apart from following a regimen of exercise regularly in order to keep their blood pressure under control. People that are in the habit of using alcohol or tobacco will be required to stay away from such products in their effort to bring down the level of their blood pressure.

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Massage Therapy and Stages of Traumatic Injury

7 May

this stage

Massage Therapy is the hands on manipulation of muscles, skin, tendons, ligaments and membranes of the body to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical functions, relieve pain or prevent physical dysfunction. (College of Massage Therapists of Ontario)

Massage therapy has many benefits and can help a wide range of the population. Massage can be particularly beneficial after a trauma such as whiplash type injury, which can occur from a motor vehicle accident, fall or other mechanism of injury.

Typically Massage therapy can benefit in all stages of healing after such trauma, whether acute, sub acute or chronic.

In the very early, or acute stages of an injury, the main goal is to manage inflammation and reduce pain. Lymphatic drainage type massage, as well as ice massage or other cold hydrotherapy can help to accomplish this. Other techniques such as Cranial Sacral therapy can be helpful to rebalance the nervous system, allowing the body greater innate healing abilities. Massage during this stage will also help to speed up recovery time and may prevent stagnation of waste products in the affected tissues and build up of fibrotic materials. (If you have had an accident you may need medical attention before seeing your massage therapist. It is recommended to see your medical doctor and have appropriate diagnosis of your injury before commencing treatment)

In a sub acute stage, massage treatments may involve some joint mobilization and range of motion techniques within patient’s tolerance to improve joint lubrication and motion. Beginning the retraining and reeducation process the sensory apparatus within the soft tissue is important at this stage. Some more specific techniques may start being used at this stage to help align any fibrotic tissues into the correct patterns, which may minimize the loss of ranges of motion in a joint.

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