Lower Your Risk of Panic Attacks

28 Apr

having panic

A panic attack can occur suddenly at anytime and anywhere. It can last for only a couple of minutes, but for the person suffering the attack, it can be life threatening and very traumatic. It is very important, therefore, to know these very helpful things that can help us lower your risk of having panic attacks.

There are a lot of causes of panic attacks, like genetics, high levels of stress, as side effect of some medications. It’s also being studied that nutritional deficiencies may also cause these episodes. Some of its symptoms are rapid heart beat or palpitations, nausea or abdominal discomfort, choking sensations, feeling lightheaded or dizziness, sweating, and fear of going crazy, or worse, death.

Something as simple as getting a good night’s sleep as much as possible is number one. A good sleep is an essential part of our body’s restorative process. When our body is deprived of sleep, it becomes weaker, and it manifests during our waking hours. A person who lacks sleep gets more irritable, loses concentration and focus, and gets higher stress level, therefore increasing the risk of a panic attack.

very important

Change your diet. A healthy, balanced diet is important to maintain the nutrients needed by our body to function well. Consuming a lot of sugar, fatty food, and caffeine-based products increases our risks of having panic attacks. Caffeine is a stimulant that can keep you awake, depriving you of much needed sleep. It can also increase your heart rate, which is also one of the symptoms of a panic attack. Alcohol intake should also be reduced, since drinking alcohol in large amounts can lead to irrational behaviors that can trigger an attack.

Practice relaxation techniques. Sit on the couch, close your eyes, and listen to your favorite music. Or just take a few minutes break, and take deep relaxed breaths. Whenever you feel that you’re too stressed out or on the verge of losing it, it’s very important to take a few moments to compose yourself and take control of the situation.

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