Archive | November, 2012

How to Avoid Genetic Diseases

29 Nov

take responsibility

How To Avoid Genetic Diseases: It’s time to take responsibility for your health!

“It’s time to take responsibility for your health!”

This is the message that the world needs to hear. Being healthy is simply taking responsibility for your own actions, and now in this audio-book and workbook you can find out exactly how you can take responsibility and avoid genetic diseases once and for all!

This audio-book from Holistic Lifestyle Coach Brett Sanders, focuses on the growing prevalence of genetic diseases in our modern society, and the devastating effects that stress can have on us. Brett talks about the five basic types of stressors that can affect us on a daily basis and gives practical suggestions that you can put into your every day life. His approach is centred around eliminating stress, rather than just relieving it for it to one day return.

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How to Clear the Mind Clutter and Follow Your Intuition

27 Nov

first ring

I just got off the phone with Dr. Oz because of this column. Susan Wagner at “The Dr. Oz Show” had been introduced to my work to help viewers implement the show’s information and reinvent their heath habits. She writes a heck of a blog! It inspired me to begin taking a morning Happy Walk before I begin my day. I needed to follow up on a segment idea.

I’m back from my Happy Walk and was grinding the beans for my morning coffee when I heard, “Call Susan now. Right now,” said the little voice in my head.

“Geez, can’t I have my coffee first?” said the devoted caffeine lover.

“How serious are you about helping people have better lives?” my not-so-small voice retorted.

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A Guide To Dark Fantasy

24 Nov

dark fantasy

Dark fantasy is a fantasy sub-genre – essentially, a mixture of horror and fantasy. Some of the earliest writers in this genre included Gertrude Barrows Bennett, A. Merritt and HP Lovecraft. It wasn’t until the 1970s, however, that Charles L. Grant came up with the name for this particular genre.

Dark fantasy is sometimes known as gothic fantasy or horror fantasy. Often this genre mixes other sub-genres, such as fairy tales, into the stories. However, it is rare for dark fantasy to be mixed with a high fantasy genre. The setting of these tales is often historical or urban, in which case they are known as ‘urban dark fantasy‘.

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How to Avoid The Great Depression?

22 Nov

have been

We would all rather not see a second coming of The Great Depression which followed the stock market crash of 1929. Central bankers across the globe have been rushing to reduce interest rates drastically in 2008/9 and some of them are resorting to Quantitative Easing (QE) at present with some success…

Combined with falling currencies, governments are part-nationalising banks and buying up toxic assets. Their moves may cause asset prices to stabilise, although the probability remains low. We can only hope that they are successful and prices do not continue to fall throughout 2009 and 2010 due to a chronic shortage of loan renewals and credit.

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How to Eat Healthier Homepage

20 Nov

healthy diet

Welcome to the homepage of “How to Eat Healthier,” an exclusive series from on starting a healthy diet. Every day, you will have the opportunity to read a new article from our very own Intent Voice health experts on a variety of topics that affect your diet and overall health.

Day 1:”INTRODUCTION: Start Feeling Great By Eating Healthier NOW!” By and “8 Foods That Fight Fat” By Michelle Schoffro-Cook

DAY 2: “The Power of a Weight Loss Journal” By Sheer Balance

DAY 3: “Eating For Mental Health” By Kellen Von Houser

healthy diet

DAY 4:”The 9 Healthiest Winter Vegetables” By Donna Gates

DAY 5: “Sweetness Without Sugar Spikes: The Power of a Low Glycemic Raw Foods” By Angela Stokes

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How to Eliminate Migraines and Headaches in Less than a Week

18 Nov

associated with

More than 10 million Americans have migraines creating a burden of mostly unnecessary suffering. These severe, nearly disabling headaches can occur from once a year to three to four times a week. They can last from hours to days, They are often associated with an aura, light sensitivity, nausea, vomiting, and severe throbbing pain on one or both sides of the head. Migraines are even associated with stroke-like symptoms or paralysis in some cases

The cost to society is also enormous. Migraine headaches add $13 billion to $17 billion to our healthcare costs each year. These costs include medications, emergency room visits, hospitalization, physician services (primary care and specialty), laboratory and diagnostic services, and managing the side effects of treatment.

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5 Reasons to Love the IRS

16 Nov

Internal Revenue

It’s tax time. The filing deadline is this week for those who don’t opt for an extension. How many people have you heard cursing the IRS in the past month? I’ve lost count.

So here for your contemplative pleasure are five reasons to love the IRS.


The IRS is an organization like any other. If you work in a corporate setting, you work in a place similar to the Internal Revenue Service. The people who work for Internal Revenue are just like you and me. This is their tough time of the year. They merit our blessings.

Life Review

This may not be a reality for everyone, but when I do my taxes, I look at it as a yearly review. Seeing where and how I spend my financial resources is an opportunity to calculate the value I received or gave. Itemizing your taxes means you look at everything you did in the past year on a fiscal level, and thereby on a life review level. Enjoy it!

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A Guide To Adolescent Hair Loss

13 Nov

hair loss

So let us to speak about our crowning glory: the hair. It is consisting of keratin which is a kind of protein in our body. The hair is produced up of a hair shaft, the root and the follicle. At the deeper finish will be the hair bulb, exactly where the hair’s color pigment- melanin is produced.

Statistics tell us that baldness strikes 40% of males by their thirties. And more than 65% of them will have the “monk” form of haircut or the common set exactly where the hair is only at the back of the head and around the temples and bald on top – by age 75. It’s a acknowledged reality that baldness strikes so very much fear in males due to the fact this is really a sign that the aging process is already starting. Age, as we know is a thing we hate but yet can not do a thing about its coming.

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About Hammock Chair Stands

11 Nov

hammock chair

Almost everybody understands that a hammock will help a person get a restful sleep, will sooth the soul, and will provide a considerably amount of relaxation. The hammock has redefined what it means to relax even though the person using it may be reading a book or talking on the telephone. The hammock has become the more popular place to snooze than even the sofa.

There are many different kinds of hammocks, but the hammock chair has a leg rest with it. This chair is very comfortable that offer a person unlimited outdoor relaxation. The hammock chair can be used by a person to rest in, and can be made from rope or wither fabric in which the person will they feel as though they are swinging in air. A hammock chair is do versatile and comfortable that some people want to spend more time it by changing from an indoors job to an outdoors job.

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How the Credit Card Companies Are Taking Your Credit Away

9 Nov

credit card

Did you know that the credit card companies are now reviewing credit lines and if your income is down, they can reduce your credit. You may think you are secure, but then get a letter in the mail telling you that the amount of credit available to you has been reduced. Or if you apply for another credit card, the bank will look at all of your cards, and your call may trigger this credit card reduction.

I know because this just happened to me with the Bank of America, which has recently acquired Countrywide, the largest holder of mortgages in the U.S. – and why it was on the verge of collapsing before being acquired. What happened is that I have a no-interest loan that is about to readjust in July after 5 years. And in today’s economy, it is virtually impossible to get refinancing for most loans. So one loan broker who couldn’t get me a new loan helpfully referred me to Countrywide’s department that is handling loan modifications, where you might be able to get an extension of the current interest rate.

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