How to Attract Positive Energy

9 Aug

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Where does the boundary of what I call “me” end and where do I merge with the ONE? Where does the boundary of what you think of as “yourself” end, and where do you merge with the ONE?

Having spent many years trying to find out who “I” am and become all that “I” can be, this path has taken me to a realm where I suspect that the person I think of as “myself” is much more blended energetically with everything else that exists in the universe. Does this mean that I should stop trying to be the best person “I” can be? Of course not, because as I add good energies to my individual self by doing good works in the world, then everyone around me shares in that energetic improvement. There is nothing special about me, and I believe that the same is true for everyone: when you do things to help yourself and the world, you are not only taking actions that are helpful, such has putting food on the plates of those who have nothing to eat, but you are allowing your own energy to evolve in a positive way and therefore everyone around you benefits energetically.

It is also possible that anytime we work in a positive manner, the entire universe benefits. Of COURSE this cannot be proven at the moment. But for those of us on the spiritual path, it is not necessary to wait for material proof before proceeding. In stead we are drawn by something we could call the Light of Truth, and this Light speaks to the innermost part of our individual spirits, and to us as a whole as we listen as part of the collective spirit.

It is interesting to ponder what happens to the world as we send out both positive and negative vibrations. It goes without saying that not all actions taken in our world are positive, and so there are also many negative vibrations or negative energies that are sent out.

Perhaps we live all live in a swirling environment of both positive and negative “vibes.” We often wonder how we can attract the positive and avoid the negative. I do not think we can entirely avoid the negative energies, but if we are focusing on the positive, the negative energies will simply pass by or pass through us and move on. As we focus on positive energy and crate those energies through positive thoughts, words and actions, we create a band of positive energy around us that will stick with us as that energy becomes attracted to us.

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Like attracts Like ~Like attracts Like ~~Like attracts Like.

Psychic Medium and Inspirational Author Carole Lynne

To read more thoughts about “energy” order Cosmic Connection: Messages for a Better World. This book is very supportive to people opening up to the spiritual path. Spirit has helped me as many of the passages of this book came through. I feel you will also find help and inspiration.

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